Fancy Meeting You Here

Here is the account of the off-the-books, unofficial, not-F3 Bounty Hunters workout from March 26, 2020. It was such a coincidence that YHC bumped into Schlitz and Compound W right where we would normally meet, at 0530, in the expansive domain otherwise known as Hunter Street Park. We were looking for Hanson, who may have mentioned something about running and doing Merkins. There were also some ladies there, presumably doing a NOT-FiA workout.

Did I say, this was not an F3 workout?

At 0530 the 3 of us were there, and our not-Q Hanson was nowhere to be seen. YHC volunteered to say some exercises out loud, and if the other non-F3 people within earshot wished to do said exercises, well that was their prerogative.

Mosey to the little office building, near Mr. A’s Beignet’s and close to downtown. The one with the glorious steps on each side of the building. On the way we see Hanson pulling up in his truck. We are certain he’ll find us.

Warm Up

SSHs, Sir Fazio Arm circles, Steve Earles, CF Merkins. Hanson shows up mid-way through, barefoot.

Red Ryder Thang

Do 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 Squats. Then run up the steps and back. Do this 5 times.

Hanson Thang

Take a running tour of the POGL. Stop at each intersection to do 20 Merkins. Arrive back at the starting point, no time for Mary.


3 Mehs, 1 Hate. We prayed for our world, for our leaders, for our healthcare workers on the front lines. YHC took us out.


I’m not accustomed to doing a (not F3) workout with 4 people. Larger groups are great but it’s hard to get to know guys this way. I didn’t realize Compound W and his M were both PAs - he in orthopedics and she in the ER. We talked about that, our affinity for Dave Ramsey, and his F3 journey. Good things can come out of negative circumstances if you just stay open to it.

Even if we are forced to put official F3 workouts on hold, it is really important that we all continue to exercise. It is so good for the mind, body and soul. Find ways to connect with your brothers. Because the hard work of this world will not be done by weak men. Continue to improve yourself, even if that looks different than a month ago. Maybe I’ll see you at an undisclosed location where there won’t be an F3 workout happening. Stranger things…

See also