Factor of 5 Escalator during the Rush Hour

Date: 9/22/20

AO: Rush Hour

PAX: Cauliflower, Chewie, Disco Duck, Horatio, Kermit, Speed Racer, WWW

I thought I was going to fartsack the whole day but as I got to class, the instructor mentioned that we are getting out at 4;00 pm. That brought a smile to me face because I realized that I can make Rush Hour.

What was glorious about working out in Rush Hour is the weather was absolutely amazing. As I arrived at RH, I walked up to Kermit and asked him if I could highjack his Q. He was gladly agreed.

I had the music ready and I was ready to get things started. I anxiously waited for the PAX and the time to get rolling. We had 4 boot campers and 2 walkers and 1 rucker. It was time. No FNG. We Pledge our Allegiance to Old Glory. The 4 boot campers moseyed around the pickle which part of the thang.

We warmed up with the usual, Good Afternoon, Sir Fazio, runner’s stretch with CFMs and Eskimo merkins worked in. I got the music started and briefed the PAX on the thang.

Thang: 4 corner escalator - factor of 5 for 5 rounds

Round 1: burpees x5 at each corner

Round 2: burpees x5 + imperial walker x10

Round 3: burpees x5, imperial walker x10 + squats x15

Round 4: burpees x5, imperial walker x10, squats x15 + air presses x20 (4 count)

Round 5: burpees x5, imperial walker x10, squats x15, air presses x20 + LBC x25

We had 7 mins left to do Mary so we moseyed back to the flag for PAX favorite Mary around the horn circling around the flagpole facing the flag. The walkers and rucker merged in with us to partake in Mary.

COR: 4 bootcampers + 1 rucker + 2 walkers

NOR: respect (2), mehs (5)

Announcements: F3 10 Year, The Odyssey needs Qs and SaG volunteers, Captaincies Kirk’s Birthday get-together at Pizza on Thursday.

Prayers/Praises: Continued prayers for our leaders to make the right decisions for our country during C19; prayers for our injured Brothers that they find healing; prayers for those who have lost family members … REMINDER: connect with your family and love them.


If you have not Q’d RH, it needs to be on your F3 Carpex bucket list to Q. It is a great AO with lots of things to make your workout very challenging.

I really appreciate Kermit for giving up his Q so I could lead the PAX. I’m always humbled how hard each of them work.

If no man has said they love you today, I Love You! Many blessings to all of you. Until next time, continue to accelerate!

See also