Factor of 5 at Ragnarok on Thorsday

Date: 11/05/2020

PAX: Chewie, Seahawk, Tang. Texas Ranger, WWW, and TR’s fur baby F3 Blaze.

The weather was spot on for a beatdown, mid 60’s. I was honored to Q on my 3rd visit to #au-thurs-ragnarok which earned me a hoodie. No FNGs, Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory. off we went around the pickle (runners 2 laps, walkers 1). Circle up to warm-up: good evenings, Sir Fazios & Alleluias.

QIC brought out some toys for the speedy PAX while waiting for the six (heavy jump rope and power push-up apparatus.

Thang 1: Factor of 5 four corners. Factor of five is five exercise, 5 rounds, and you go up 5 reps with each exercise.

QIC laid down 4 markers around the pickle. The markers represented a stop point for the exercise.

Round 1: burpees x5

Round 2: burpees x5, add sumo squats x10

Round 3: burpees x5, sumo squats x10 (l/r = 1), add LBC x15IC

Round 4: burpees x5, sumo squats x10 (l/r = 1), LBC x15IC, add lunge x20

Round 5: burpees x5, sumo squats x10 (l/r = 1), LBC x15IC, lunge x20, add air press x 25IC

Mosey around the pickle to cone set-up for thang 2

Thang 2: agility

Side shuffle through the cones forward and back

Bear crawl forward and back

High knees forward and back

Circle up for Mary PAX favorite Mary x10. Ended with WWW ABCs.

CoR: 5 + a fur baby

NoR: 1 respect, 3 mehs, 1 hate, 1 fur baby


Since it was Texas Ranger’s fur baby’s first post, we named him Blaze. Welcome Blaze.

YHC led us out


Thank you letting me lead you HIMs. I’m always honored.

See also