Carpex F3 Dads - June 17th

I don’t know about you but my 2.0 (6 yr old) has been enthralled with F3 ever since I started.  He’s been eager to see what it is I do every morning and I’ve been eager to share more and more about what F3 is with him.  And ever since I saw at the Carpex picnic how clearly outnumbered by our 2.0s, 2.1s, 2.2s, etc, etc, we are I knew it was time we host our own F3 Dads event!

To be up front and honest I have not attended an F3 Dads event before so my planning for this has been through reading other BBs and asking questions to other pax.  If you have anything to add or want to help make this a success please feel free to reach out to me.

Overview / Questions

Who is this for? This is for the kids first and foremost.  Don’t expect a tough beatdown.  This is all for the kids to have fun with and experience a taste of F3. This is for the Ms.  Getting the kids out of the house on a Saturday morning is a gift that will be remembered! This is for the Dads.  You get to see your enjoyment of F3 now overflow into your kids and make memories together.  You get to serve your kids out of love and soak up the laughs and joy (and burpees) that will come with it!  #MakingHIMs

What ages? ALL AGES are welcome.  I’ve seen ones where babies are even there! #PartnerCarry For this event with the activities I have planned I would put an age range of about 5 to 12 years old.  But again, it’s ALL about the kids so whoever you bring we’ll have fun!

How much exercise will it be? - We will do a pretty normal warm up so they get to cadence count and experience that. - The Thang will be more of fun and games.  Mostly we will be in the field where the kiosk is but maybe we will travel a little…still ironing out the details. This will not be a beatdown for you.  If you want to hit Whiplash beforehand or EC run / half of phoenix that’s up to you, OYO.

Will they get an F3 name? OF COURSE!!!  We will have a standard COT after the workout where kids will get named.  My thinking (open to discussion) would be dads, you get first priority in naming so come with a name in mind if you have one.  If not we can name them, age appropriate of course.  If your 2.0 already has a name they can say their info the standard way.  If they don’t they can say Name, Age, Grade then dad can tell us and explain the name or put it up to the group for suggestions.

Will there be a 2nd F after? Duh, kids love the halftime orange slices, gatorades, etc.  So I’m planning to have something like icy pops and drinks or donuts/muffins…along those lines.  (Open to ideas or discussion)


When: Saturday June 17th, 2017 (Day before Father’s Day) 0800 - 0900

Where: Bond Park Community Center Lot   (Map) Not senior center, there’s a yard sale.

Who: Yourself and 2.0s, boys and girls all welcome! Kid’s friends are welcome as well.  May be a great way to get FNG dads out as well!

If you can, HC in the comments below…