F3-Its A Sickness

2 Years of F3.  It’s a sickness that I just can’t seem to kick.  One that has resulted in lack of sleep, frequent muscle aches, and lack of cell phone battery. I just can’t stop setting my alarm in anticipation of that brotherhood, the laughs, and personal growth. 2 years of F3 is something to be celebrated.  What better way to celebrate than pain.


Welcome the Meow-Mile Pax Mosey over to the bank and circle up SSH IC X 25 GM IC X 10 Imperial Walker X 15 Standard Merkin mixture of slow cadence with normal cadence x 20

The Thang

Mosey to rock pile,  pick partner and an ego rock.  Carry rock to First Baptist Church parking lot P1 runs around the church while P2 does rock curls, Repeato until both partners have completed curls, overhead press, rock rows, and tricep extensions AMRAP (WW2 sit-ups after muscle failure)

All Pax continue WW2 sit-ups.  The mumble chatter was heavy here and YHC realized he was quickly losing the Pax.  Cut the WW2’s short and mosey over to adjacent parking lot.

P1 with all you got runs to the middle island and back, then to end of parking lot and back. P2 does rock merkins. Flapjack. Repeato x 3

Mosey to return rocks to pile, then gather at the next adjacent parking lot P1 bear crawls length of the parking lot, backwards run back. P2 does balls to the wall; Flapjack P1 lunge walks length of the parking lot while P2 does people’s chair.  P1 does people’s chair at top while awaiting P2 to lunge walk to top of parking lots

Mosey to Billy run starting line.  2 groups of Billy run


Plank hold Chill cut Chill cut Peter Parkers x 20

COT Count-o-rama: 21, 2 FNG’s Welcome Macho Man and Nomane Name-o-rama: Several respects and lots of 30’s and 40’s.  More hates than usual Announcements -Check Slack News Channel Prayer


Flip-flop completed the workout in khakis.  Wrinkle free khakis to be exact That’s gonna be 1 bad case of chaffing Nice to have some of young Raleigh Pax join.  Chubb is a beast Bromaine may be the first F3 teen pax to EH his own dad.  Nice work Bromaine! 2 years of F3 have been life changing.  Thanks to all of you guys for your leadership and fellowship.

Honored to lead this morning

See also