F3 Dads - Pierogi & Co edition

Will keep this brief as YHC wants to get back to enjoying his Saturday but had to get this down, ASAP.

Thank you all for the awesome morning today. I loved it, my kids loved it and I hope all of you did as well. Boone and Rosie have been wanting to Q for months and am glad we finally did. It’s awesome to think that when we first came out, Rosie didn’t want to even say her name at COT and now she’s out there throwing down a beatdown. Good thing I managed to talk her down from the 20 burpees at each rep… Disco may have been pleased but I definitely heard some ‘plaining.

F3 has been great for me personally but F3 Dads is something else. It’s fun to see the kids getting it, having fun with it and joining in as well. Glad to see some of the Southwake guys out here today and hope they bring this back to their peeps as well.

Warmup: IM, SSH, GM, Starjumps, Freddy Mercs, Squats

Mosey to the field, stopping carefully at crosswalks and staying off the road.

Thang 1 care of Rosie - Hill Repeats x3:

  • Dads do AMRAP merkins while 2.0s run/bear crawl the hill, do 5 jumps/starjumps and run/roll back down.
  • 2.0s do whatever while the dads bear crawl up, do 10 burpees, crawl bear down.
  • Cursing ensued and increased with each repeat

Thang 2 care of Daniel Boone: Tag

  • 2.0s are it, dads do merkins until the 6 is tagged. Never saw Squatter run away faster in my life. I don’t think he likes merkins. Luckily Jingles is faster.
  • Dads are it, 2.0s do squats until the 6 is tagged. The Commish brought his gazelle son. Thankfully we brought Denali

Thang 3 are of YHC: Ampitheater Fitness Slam

Dads and 2.0s compete to see who can complete it faster. Things were going ok until someone called Balls to the Wall in a deep Polish-accented voice. Snickering ensued. No amount of “handstands” and “feet to the wall” salvaged that.

Two more rounds of Tag, back to the flag for snacks and COT



Dads: Build-A-Bear, Hello Kitty, Choo-Choo, Shut-In, Trike, Joe Smith, Squatter, Mookie, Lite-Brite, Denali, Thurston, The Commish, Chanticleer, Wonderbread, SlideRule, Warbucks, Pierogi

2.0s: Sully, Rey, Pink Dinosaur, Little Shark, Baby Shark, Fairy Princess, Gig, Hammock, Kai, Sprinkles, Jingles, Crackle, Ice Pop, Red Hot, Bubblegum, H2O, Player One, Duck Tale, Fruit Snack, Pink Rav, The Wonder, Serena, Julius, Aurora, Daniel Boone, Rosie the Riveter, Mulan +3 more

See also