F3 Dads - 4/20/19


2.0:  WII, Swish, Taby, Sully, Chase, Little Bear, South Paw, Everest, Crosscheck

FNK: Taylor (Mia), Gracie (Twinkle Toes), Micah (Neymar), Jacob (Sprocket), Ava (Finch), Aidan (Half Back), Tierney (Snacker), Adilyn (Blades)

Dads: Chipper, Stolpinski, Doogie, Build-a-Bear, Michael (FNG), Norwood, Grease Monkey, Repeato, Peeping Tom, Prodigal, WWW

Q’ing an F3 Dads workout was a first for me.  It was actually a fun experience and I’d definitely Q again.  I learned a lot which I think would help those who try to Q an F3 Dads:

  • Kids are fast
  • If you make a workout, ensure you keep them with their Dad. Building it for the kids but also ensure their Dad does the same.  I went with 5-10 reps … no enough.
  • They love to workout on the grass even if its wet & muddy.
  • F3 Dads is 1 hour long: The workout is 45 mins and the last 15 mins

If you have not Q’ed before, I highly recommended.  The kids are extremely eager to workout.  They are great listeners and will follow what you want them to do.

We did the F3 admin stuff and found out we had quite a few FNK (friendly new kid).  We did have an FNG but he will need to post at an regular F3 workout to be named.  We Pleadged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and off we went.  We moseyed over to the Community Center parking lot to warm-up. Big circle.

Warm-up: GM, Abe Vigoda, Merkins, Sir Fazio (forward & backwards).

Thang 1: Suicides (round 1)

Run to Cone 1: Merkins (2.0: 10; Dads: 25) run back to start repeato.

Run to Cone 2: SSH (2.0: 15; Dads: 30), run back to start repeat.

Run to Cone 3: LBCs (2.0: 20; Dads: 40), run back to start repeato.

Round 2:

Run to Cone 1: Burpees (2.0: 5; Dads: 15) run back to start repeato.

Run to Cone 2: air squats (2.0: 10; Dads: 50), run back to start repeat.

Run to Cone 3: Big Boy/Girl Situps (2.0: 15; Dads: 30), run back to start repeato.

After going through the routine, this is where I noticed that the kids are fast and they want to be done before everyone.  TO ensure we had a Dad with kid group, YHC called modifications to get us through the exercise quicker so we can catch up with the kids.

Mosey to the field for thang 2:

Thang 2:

Split the families up into 3 teams.

Team 1: Bearcrawl up the hill and crawl bear back down

Team 2: Tug-o-war 2.0 vs Dads

Team 3: Jump ropes

Switch when the team who bear crawls up and crawl bear back down until all three teams are done.

Thang 3:  Tag (2.0 vs Dads) for 15 mins.  If Dad is tagged, Dad does 5 burpees and 2.0 does 5 merkins.

Thang 4: Tortoise to the cone (2.0 on Dad’s back).

Mosey back to the flag stopping at the stop sign to do a billy run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Low slow flutter and have-a-nice day.

Count-a-rama: 28

Name-a-rama: 2 respects, 17 2.0s, 9 mehs

Announcements: F3 Dads Camping Trip (see Slack for details), Crazy Train (BRR prep) / Night Train (rucking) events coming up (see Slack for details).

Prayers / Praises: All our injured brothers for healing.

BOM: YHC led us out.


If you have not Q’ed an F3 Dads workout, I highly recommend it.

Kids make the workout fun. They are full of energy and ready to workout.

It was an honor to lead the kiddos and Dads.

See also