
November 18, 2017

16 pax and no FNGs and one guest [The Mighty Lance] from corporate.

Mosey to the community center parking lot to warm-up that prolly included, but not limited to: ssh, good am, Willy Mays Hayes, mtn climbers, merkins, and some stretches.

With a partner of similar speed, “Catch Me if You Can” with 10 merkins, we take off to the boat ramp parking lot. 10 burpees OYO on arrival then pickup the 6.

We circle up in low squat. Pax were asked to share some observations on this initial leg. Several shout outs [Tecumseh quite vocal] about the running pax moving a bit at a “I’m being chased by a bear” pace.

Audible called and Prisoner Run implemented in the “Catch Me if You Can” for the balance. There were 9 more stops along the way.  More burpees at each stop, basically at each intersection. Assorted Mary at two intersections.

Balance of run meandered through the bond park trails and emerged at Highhouse / Maynard. We took Highhouse for the run home. Lots of MC with the frequent stops on HH.

Circle up for asst Mary.

Lots of prayers.

Hi-Liter took us out.

Thanks men. The fellowship we share is the greatest gift.


The Mighty Lance has some wheels.

Mississippi missed an opportunity at ONE-ZERO. “crickets”

Lots off fellowship and encouragement among the pax. It was needed.

Thanks Callahan four introducing this idea a couple years ago.  YHC was compelled to taint with BURPEES

See also