F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here…

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up)
Mosey South to the dimmest trail not at Wolverine and down to the road. Circle up for Side-Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, and Windmills. Mosey down the road back to the rock pile with high knees, butt-kickers, and side shuffles along the way. Circle up for Sir Fazio Arm Circles and Michael Phelps.

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)
The FOD PAX are notoriously bad at listening to instructions. Now it may be just an over-exuberance to start exercises (cough-Franklin-cough), but since YHC tends to have elaborate activities, it is a terrible combination. My solution: force ’em all into a nice tight circle and plank-hold while I explain - it helps to focus the mind.
Part I - Partner up with a rock. Partner 1 runs up the hill, with the rock. Partner 2 does 10 Merkins, 10 Dying Cockroaches, and 10 Squats, then gives chase. Flapjack and repeat all the way up and down the hill.
Part II - Plank-hold while I explain. Partner 1 lunge-walks around the pickle, rock held overhead. Partner 2 does 5 reps of each exercise above and chases. Flapjack and repeat all the way around the pickle
Part III - Noah’s Beastly Ark: 6 exercises, performed 6x each, at 6 stations. Time prevented us from completing the whole set, so we ended up at 466, which sounds like a muscle car instead of the sign of the beast. Oh well, we got:
Gorilla Walks between stations with 6x monkey-humpers at each
Bunny hops between stations with 6x squats at each
Crab walks between stations with 6x Low-country Crabs at each
Duck walks between stations with 6x Little-man Jumping Jacks at each

Beaker’s Beatitudes (The COT)
16 for the ME and 5 for the Non-Vesper
Announcements - relatively quiet on the Western Front, except YHC announced the availability of Q slots throughout Carpex.
Prayers - Liverpool, Ms of various PAX

Beaker’s BS (The NMS)
Not much here, not that there wasn’t plenty of entertaining mumblechatter. More that it is now 5 days and 1 Q later, and I do not remember it all. Except ma Bell’s “Duck walk” sounds. He really went all out in the authenticity department. I am glad I was on the other end of the court.

See also