Exicon DEF

Some of you know I am on a mission to go through the Exicon A-Z over the course of many workouts. Today, 16, took part in Exicon D, E & F. 4 came in strong for IronPAX.

Warmup -

  • Duck & weave (probably to never make another showing)
  • 10 Daisy Pickers

Thang 1 - Descending Deconstructed Double shot of jackees at each light pole. Perform the deconstructed jackees, decreasing by 1, and run to the back parking lot.

  • 10 squats
  • 10 leg thrusts
  • 10 plank jacks
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 SSH
  • Decrease by 1, repeato….
  • Once counted down to 1, then run to back parking lot

Thang 2 -

  • 5 at each island - Double Shot of Jackees (Burpee, but after the merkin do a plank Jack and when back up do a SSH) - run back
  • 10 Finger tip merkins at each island - run back
  • 15 Dips at each island - run back
  • 20 Derkins

Thang 3 -

  • Elf on the Shelf at rock pile. Starting with rock on your ight side, lift up to left side as if putting on a shelf. Done in cadence 10 each side


  • Freddie Mercury
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Dying cockroach

Have a Nice Day!

See also