Exercise To Be Named Later

Beautiful morning for a 0515 workout. Even better for a 0440 EC. Repeato enjoyed a ruck, YHC and Gym Tan Laundry enjoyed a 3 mile run while discussing rock climbing. (If you haven’t already, watch the Documentaries The Dawn Wall & Free Solo. In that order.)

9 other HIM showed up, disclaimer “was given” and off we went.

Mosey to the median at the end of Regency Pkwy for a little Warm-Up and Advertising.

**Good Morning, Windmill, Willie Mays Hayes, SSH, Steve Earle

3 man Indian Run to the corner of Regency & Regency Forrest.

3 man Catch Us If You Can. P1 carries P2 while P3 does 5 burpees then runs to catch P1 & P2. Rotate.

**Thang 1
**Once we arrive in the parking lot we found a rock pile and matched our egos to our rocks.

So this next exercise needs a name. I borrowed it from my old Betamax copies of P-90X. Tony Hortons simply calls it Lunge, Kickback, Curl, Press and it’s exactly what it sounds like but down with dumbbells. We used rocks and did this.

Lunge, holding lunge (and rock) perform a forward should extension, step forward, curl, overhead should press, tricep extension.

This exercise needs a name. The top contenders are:Rocky Horton, Tony Rockton, Rock 90X, P-90Rock

We continued this until we got from here to there.

Once there we got into Homer To Marge position and performed chest presses, randomly raising each leg.

We repeated this entire glorious thing. Leave rocks.

Mosey to the end of the parking lot where we discovered a glorious hill with the greenest, richest, thickest, tick-free fescue we have ever seen.

**Thang 2
**Reuniting the 3 man teams, P1 crawl bear up the hill, crab walk down. P2 chill cut plank hold. P3 hop over P2 perform 3 hand release merkins, hop back, 3 more hand release merkins. Flap jack until P1 returns, then rotate.

Mosey back to the rocks. Perform Thang 1 again. Put rocks back.

3 man Indian Run back to the flag.

100s, Have a Nice day

Lot of shit was said, here’s what I remember.
5/1 Pop Up Carpex Dads
Something on May 3rd or 4th
BRR in September
Odyssey in October

Prayers for Chipper’s friend and for Grease Monkey and his family.

1 person has ate Monk Fish
2 tank tops were worn
3 exercises Denali hates: Crab Walk, Partner Carry, Wheelbarrow

YHC took us out with an anonymous quote

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. Stay focused, and keep aiming.”


See also