Excuse us Campers

1730 - Squatter and YHC launch on a 1 mile scouting run to the train depot

1745- No pledge (my apologizes). 6 HIM leave for the far side of DTC and arrive at the fountain for warm -up.

Warm- up: Cotton pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Egg Beaters, Seal Clap

mosey to the other side of the fountain and partner up

Thang 1: DORA 1,2,3

100 Dirkins off the fountain

200 Row Boats

300 Step ups on to the fountain

Partner 2 runs around the park perimeter sidewalk which included an area Camp Gladiator appeared to have claimed as part of where they would be working that night. No problem, we’ll just run around them.

mosey  back towards the flag

Thang 2

Wheelbarrow around the fountain park switching with partner as often as necessary

Thang 3

(10 Australian Pull ups x 10 Crunchy Frogs)   x  6

Mary: Homer to Marge, Fluttering Superman

COT: Squatter made his Rush Hour debut today and has the Q next week! Don’t miss it.

See also