Everything that needed to be said was already said

This BB is superfluous so it will be short. Everything that needed to be said about Friday’s #DazedAndConfused Q was said beautifully by @LuckyCharms on slack. So this is merely a placeholder to document the PAX present and to pass out a quick praise.


lap and typically warm up stuff

Thang 1:

animal related moves up the grassy knoll (bear crawls… gorilla hops… duck walks) with stuff at the top

Thang 2:

DORA with HRM x100, lunges x200 and LBCs x300.

Indigenous peoples run back to the flag.


@McCants came by and crashed the Mary. Each PAX called out an exercise. @LC called out penalty burpees which were happily-ish done.


9-ish. Maybe 8 for the ME… maybe 9.5 for the COT.

Prayers for McCants and his little ones and their mom and their dad.


Congrats to Bootlegger for Five in a Row. Stud!

I cannot do justice to LC’s post and want to preserve what he said in my heart. Suffice it to say… it was beautiful and heartfelt. And I love him for sharing it.

See also