Everyone Remembers Their First Merlot

It had been a while. I mean, I have made my semi-regular appearances at BO this past year. but it had been a while since I’d Q’d there. It had been a while since I’d Q’d anywhere. So as I started to fill up the empty googly slots, it was fitting that YHC start at the birthplace of Ma Bell. Anyway, enough history. YHC was feeling like putting the hurt on some PAX today. And with the 9/11 stair climb coming up, we might as well train for it, right?

EC YHC and Term Paper met at the AO at 0526. After a quick TT change, we were off for the #meowmile. Half-way in, we picked up Hello Kitty who was waiting patiently with the shovel flag. The 3 of us ran the shovel flag in Olympic torch style the last half mile to the AO where some HIM were gathering up. Whoa! Whoa! Is that WORLD CHAMPION Flip Flop over there? I mean how often do you get to work out with a WORLD freakin Champ? As it turns out, twice this week alone, but that’s beside the point. This was going to be a good day.

The Warm-Up Follow me up Waldo, out to Academy, and across Chatham to the finest warm-up spot in all of CarPEX Nation (with the possible exception of the baseballs at FOD.) We’re just doing a fly-by boys. Buzzing the tower. We gots places to be and work to do. Down the steps back out to Chatham and down to the little people statues in front of Town Hall. Circle up for - what else? - 10 x Little Man Jumping Jacks IC. Continue our jog on over to the Parking Garage where we circled up again for

  • 10 x GM IC
  • 10 x Merkins IC
  • 10 x Cotton Pickers IC

The Thang Partner up for some Stair Suicide 25s. With one partner running to on stairwell and the other running to the opposite stairwell, do a set of stair suicides - up one floor, back down, up two floors, back down, up to the third floor and out to the top of the deck and meet your partner in the middle for 20 Hand Release Partner Merkins. Continue on to the opposite stairwell and repeat the stair suicides going down, back out to the ground level and meet your partner in the middle for 5 Partner Squats

Repeato with 15 Hand Release Partner Merkins at the top and 10 Partner Squats on Ground Level Repeato with 10Hand Release Partner Merkins at the top and 15Partner Squats on Ground Level Repeato with 5 Hand Release Partner Merkins at the top and 20 Partner Squats on Ground Level

Counting parking deck levels, we climbed 36 flights of stairs. Counting landings, we climbed 72 flights. In case you’re counting. After a quick 10 count to stave off the dizziness and nausea, we were off and running back up the hill and across the street to the pocket park. Grab some wall for

  • 10 x Dips IC
  • 10 x Irkins IC
  • 10 x Dirkins IC

Time to go. Jog around Town Hall and back down Academy to Chatham. Squat hold while we wait on the 6. Jog across the street and down to Waldo. Turn the corner then AYG to the flag. 6:29. Saban would be proud. Speaking of proud. As we circled up, our young FNG turned back to the bushes and let ’er fly.


Count-a-rama: 17 Name-a-rama: 6 RESPECTs, 10 mehs,1 Hate, including FNG Wedding Crasher Announcements: Carpex 5th anniversary convergence at DZ on 8/31; Special guest from HT at the FUMC breakfast - 8:00 on Saturday after Phoenix. Family friendly. Just change shirts Prayers/Praises: There were many spoken and unspoken. Chinese Downhill took us out in prayer


  • Although I felt (somewhat) sorry for Wedding Crasher, I gotta tell you that I could barely contain my excitement at getting my first splash as a Q! Even as I write this, I’m getting pumped up. YES! Unh! Get some!
  • I mean it was an explosive, retching, colorful splash. We got to see what Wedding Crasher had the night before - blueberries and strawberries. Add in the foam, and it was a red, white, and blue all-American hurl. God Bless America!
  • I strutted around all day, with a smirk on the face attitude, shoulders back strut bein’ all like “Yeah. I made a dude puke. That’s right. What did you do this morning?”
  • YHC’s glorious day was capped off with a celebratory beer on Riptide. Nevermind that I chose a rose-colored fruity beer. I went with it, and it was glorious.
  • I will remember this day forever

See also