Everyone gets a Trophy.

There was some extra incentive for outstanding performances at Rush Hour. Since YHC was left out of the awards in the Hill Climb Mafia (I still can’t believe I didn’t get a sticker or anything), I thought the Rush Hour PAX could use some disingenuous recognition. So trophies were presented. Everyone went home feeling good, whether they deserved it or not. There was no pizza party or orange slices after, but 2 stopped at Bond Brothers for a reward.
- 2 minute warning, disclaimer, mission, no FNG

Mosey around Town of Cary campus and perform:
- Plank jacks
- Hillbillies
- Good Mornings

  • Thang 1:     Blockorama:   3 Rounds.

    • 5 Blockees: Burpees with cinder blocks.

    • 10 Lunges (Squats, Wedgie) with Block IC. Half way up

    • 15 Boxcutters (Flutter kicks, LBC) w/ block.  To the top of hill

    • 20 Curls/Extensions (Row/Press, Dry Blocks) w/ block.

    • Block Rock Slider (Push) Slide: to parking island. 

    • Bears & Blocks: to the end of the parking lot. 

    • Mosey w/ block to handrails.

    • 20 Pole dancing (Pull ups, Merkins)

      Repeato with minor variations in ( )

  • Thang 2

    • Mosey to grassy spot with the 2-piece horse. 
    •  Superman/Canoe and hold.
    • Dog Paddle
  • Mary

    • Peter Parker IC

    • Nolan Ryan from Chilcutt IC

    • Crunchy Frogs IC

    • Star Crunches per Schlitz
      Mosey to the truck for awards presentation.

  • 6 PAX, 1 Hate, 2 Respects, 3 Meh’s

  • Prayers for Kermit’s dad who is still struggling with hip and back pain.
    NMS: I want to thank Flenderson for all the work he put into the Hill Climb Challenge. It was a nice distraction from being inside and incentive to get out and do something different and challenging. Although I did not do many hills, the ones I did were enough. TYFYL.

  • Awards:
    Sucked the Least: Schlitz
    Meh’s: Press-On, Full House, Freebird, Kermit
    Sucked the most: YCH. I forgot some stuff that I wanted to do.
    Great group. Lots of fun.
    BTW- Party City at Crossroads is closing so hurry to get your own trophy.

See also