Everyday, a Good Day

What a way to start the day. The accountability that you each have inspires me everyday.

Opened with the Pledge and jaunt around the parking lot.

Circle up for some SSH, Imp Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, more Merkins, Mtn Climbers

Thing 1 stairs with MacTarGi( no idea if that is how you spell it) then burpees

5x - MTG 10x IC at bottom of stairs, up the stairs then 10x Burpees at the top

Thing 2 Jaunt through Magnolia to bottom of greenway entrance

4.5x run backwards up the hill, 5x starjumps, bear crawl back down(got ran off by neighbor)

Long Jaunt back to the flag for Mary

Mary - 20x LBC, 10x each side J Lo, 10xIC Shacura(or however you spell her name)

Prayers for my mom, Cataracts girls at App, and Hotspots Daughter coming home from UNC.

ANNOUNCEMENT ! 1st F3 Carpex Blood Drive 9/19 @ Taylor YMCA in Cary starting at 10a-2:30 sign up details forthcoming

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