
7 HIM stayed within the Carpex confines and turned up for YHC’s VQ.  In anticipation a plan was devised to keep the Pax moving at a fast pace and YHC was determined to stick to it hopefully without any major gaffs.  5:30 and were off…..


  • Mosey over to the volleyball parking lot
  • SSH x 35, GM x 10, IW x 15, CP x 10, OC x 15

The Thang #1

Run the length of the parking lot stopping at each of the 5 islands to do an exercise.  Each round the sets escalate.

  • Round 1; 1 burpee, 2 star-jumps, 3 merkins, 4 CDD’s and 5 squats.
  • Round 2; 2 burpee, 4 star-jumps, 6 merkins, 8 CDD’s and 10 squats.
  • Round 3; 3 burpee, 6 star-jumps, 9 merkins, 12 CDD’s and 15 squats.
  • Round 4; 4 burpee, 8 star-jumps, 12 merkins, 16 CDD’s and 20 squats.
  • Round 5; 5 burpee, 10 star-jumps, 15 merkins, 20 CDD’s and 25 squats.

The Thang #2

Mosey over to the elementary school and break into 2 groups.

  • Group 1 balls to the wall while group 2 runs a lap around the pickle then flip flop for 3 rounds.
  • Group 1 peoples chair while group 2 runs a lap around the pickle then flip flop for 3 more rounds.

The Thang #3

Mosey over to the track for 100 meter sprints / up tempo runs.  Each round the pre-run exercise escalates.

  • Round 1: 5 burpees 100m sprint
  • Round 2: 5 burpees, 10 merkins 100m sprint
  • Round 3: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats 100m sprint
  • Round 4: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 CDD’s 100m sprint
  • Round 5: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 CDD’s, 25 star-jumps 100m sprint

Mosey back to the flag for 6:15 on the dot finish…..unfortunately no time for the planned Mary.


  • Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama
  • Announcements - BRR sign up
  • No prayer requests
  • McCants took us out


  • A big thanks to all the Carpex Pax.  After a couple weeks of Water Wings telling me about F3 I skeptically gave it a try for the first time around Memorial Day.  I’ve been posting on a regular basis since and the results (physically, spiritually, relationships, the list goes on) speak for themselves.  I’m grateful for this group of men and the impact it’s had on me.  Thanks for putting in the work and following my lead, it was an honor to lead this group of HIM.

See also