Entering the World of Meh

Twas another great Saturday morning at the site of Phoenix! Just perfect for a good well balanced beatdown, and YHC had planned the workout with that in mind! I also chose to lead this one in particular as a way of commemorating my last day in my twenties. (Going to different for a while to not hear “Hate” called for me in name-o-rama).

When 6:30 struck 8 pax were ready to go, including an FNG. So YHC stated the mission of F3 and the disclaimer before we recited the Pledge of Allegiance! After that we stayed circled up where we were for the warm up.

Warm Up:

  • Good Morning
  • SSH (30)
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles (F)
  • Seal Claps
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles (R)
  • Hillbillies
  • Plank Jacks

When finished it was time to run to the rock pile at the bottom of the big grassy hill.

The Thang: Rock Exercises

For this routine everyone grabbed a rock and partnered up. Partner 1 would run down to a specific point and run back, while Partner 2 would perform a called exercise with their rock AMRAP, then they would switch. Once both partners had a turn with the rock and running, another exercise would be called. All the rock exercises performed are as follows:

Overhead Press, Tricep Extensions, Bench Presses, Curls, Rows, American Hammers, Squats, Wide Squats, Lunges, Calf Raises.

Once completed we moseyed our way back to the flag and circled up!


  • LBC’s
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Freddy Mercs
  • Box Cutters
  • American Hammers

Our time together was finished out with some nice full body stretches!


8 Pax: 1 Hate, 4 Meh, 2 Respect, 1 Honor

FNG: Welcome Supreme


Freed to Bleed, and TCP happening every other week.


Prayers for Leo, a young man I know from church. He’s in the Navy right now and, due to an accident while disposing of trash, suffered burns to his arms and face. So prayers for his healing.

Also prayers for our Nation.

YHC took us out!


Four out of the eight guys that posted I had not had the privilege of meeting before this day. So it was really great to get to know and workout with these new bros!

It was also really special to have my dad, The J.O.A.T. out there as well for my birthday Q! Still going strong at 64!

Great job gents! It was an honor as always to be able to lead this workout and exercise along side you all!

See also