Enough rollin' in my 5.0 ...

Ah, Thanksgiving.  Family, food, football.  And, if you are like me and my family, lots and lots of travel.  With brothers and sisters spread out across the U.S. (and abroad) hosting Thanksgiving at home is a once-every-few-years affair.  The rest of the time, it means a flight or a drive.  This year, it was drive.  And since no one wants to travel 800 miles only to turn around and head back 48 hours later, we saved the return till the last moment.

Which meant a 6AM departure, an 11 hour planned drive, and a final journey consisting of 14 hours in the car with minor opportunities to stretch and walk about.

All this is, of course, background, for my your QIC was stiff as hell this morning and looking to get as many different body parts moving as possible.

With 5:45 upon us and no new headlines coming towards us, it’s time for the Pledge and a short mosey to the ’traditional’ warmup spot.

Warm up

Carioca and butt-kickers en route help warm up the legs and obliques.

Once the PAX organized themselves into a slightly oblong circle, we proceed with GMs IC 10x, Windmills IC 10x, Sir Fazios IC 1…. Good morning Red Baron…. Burpees OYO… the rest of the Sir Fazios, Seal Claps and Overhead claps.  Back and shoulders warmed up, we continue onwards to the rock pile.  Mosey on.


Grab a non-traveling rock.  Clearly Prodigal has not been here in a while as the pickings were slim for anything resembling VW Beetle-sized boulders.

Simple work commenced:

1 Curl 1 Lunge (L + R = 1) 1 Incline Merkin (on your rock or curb) 1 Decline Merkin (on your rock or curb) 1 Backblast (Homer-to-Marge)

then repeato with 2… 3… 4… and 5 reps of each.

Run the pickle and pick it back up at 6… 7… 8… 9… 10… pickle… 11… 12… 13… 14… 15 pickle. If done, pick up the 6 or burpees until the 6 is back. YHC found himself alone very quickly.

Biceps, legs, chest, triceps and back sufficiently worked, form two lines for Indian Run back to the Mary spot.


L/R heel taps 14x IC for obliques

Protractor for core. YHC doesn’t remember the exact angles but suffice it to say, there were more than a few feet on the ground a touch early.


Countarama: 20 fine men got back at it after a bit of a lull for Thanksgiving


  • CD made an impassioned plea for help in Burgaw.  With Saturdays proving to be a challenge for the men of CARPEx, CD will be exploring other options with Burgerfeet.  More to come.
  • Christmas party (Dec 12, Fortnight) signups are now live.  Go to www.f3carpex.com to sign up and send your mullah as needed. M-friendly… 2.0 not.
  • Smokey’s annual Christmas extravaganza is Dec 15. YHC will be camping and cannot remember the exact location so get on Slack and ask him.  It’s not every day you get to hear Barry White sing.

Prayers & Praises:  thanks and prayers for safe travels over this Thanksgiving break.

YHC took us out.


We had a wonderful time over Thanksgiving and although the drive was long, it was actually quite pleasant.  I was struck a few times by how infrequently the family spends that much time together.  And with a drive that long, there is not a device in the world (especially none made by Apple) with a battery life long enough. Books on tape, podcasts, reading, Christmas planning and some public speaking practice filled our trip.  While we spent most of the time on 95, a few diversions around accidents also let us enjoy the less visited parts of GA, SC and NC.  There’s a beautiful world out there.  Enjoy it.

See also