Enough of all this BRR talk

BRR this, BRR that. I too am guilty, but today we took a break from all this mumble to settle in for a hard working day at FWD.

5 HIDAs launched for a team training run and the boot campers were on our way.

Oh, 1 FNG who was properly disclaimed too during warm-ups including the 5 core principles w/ a burpee in between each one, to boot.


  • Over to the circle for ball weaves
  • Good morning
  • SSH
  • Sir Fazio + Seal + Overhead + Sir Fazio
  • Quick feet + curb merkins on 10 and 15 counts

The Thang:

  • Get a rock and mosey w/ it back to the b-ball courts
  • 20 curls, press, triceps and rows, put your rock down and run back to the circle lot for 20 LBC
  • Do that ^ 5 times through
  • Back to the circle lot and each pax gets a lovely cement ball (h/t Lance) each for Irkins, Dips and Derkins
  • Do that ^ 5 times through
  • Back to the b-ball court to wrap up with some Mary (100’s to finish out)

COT: 22 deep with the bootcamp + HIDA run, YHC took us out, welcome FNG Change Order

NMS: YHC reflected on John 14:27 to close today, here’s the verse:

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

See also