Embrace the Sweat

This morning was a perfect morning to get some good B.O. (The workout site not the stench…duh), and 8 pax got a healthy dose (of possibly both). The start time arrived sooner than expected, or so it seemed, not sure why. Maybe it was the Q-drinaline I don’t know. At any rate, after the mission statement was given, and the Pledge was recited, we were off and running to the big fountain at the top of Academy St.

Warm Up:

  • Good Morning
  • Daisy Pickers
  • SSH
  • Overhead Clap
  • Plank Jacks

Thang 1:

Partner up for Dora: 100 Dirkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs.

Thang 2:

At the library parking deck, Staying with your partner for the routine of Catch Me If You Can. P1 starts Indian Running up the levels of the deck, while P2 does 5 Supermans, then chases after P1, continue till you reach the top. At the top of the deck hold People’s Chair and BTTW for a set amount of time each. Then mosey down the stairs back to Academy St.

Thang 3:

We ran back to the start the same way we came, doing 1 Burpee at every other light pole. Then Bear Crawl from the corner of the church back to the flag.


  • Freddy Mercs
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • WWII
  • Black Widow Knee Slides
  • Have A Nice Day



TCP on Sunday, BRR, reminder to sign up for the 10th year F3 Anniversary celebration in Cape Fear.


None that were spoken

YHC took us out.

See also