Eight Years

I had to de-commit from a BH Halloween Q, so I scooped up this FWD Q toward the end of last week. Knew it was going to be sandwiched between a late night return from being DR and an insane week at work, but the importance around the day itself made committing to this make sense…

FNG Check - F3 Mission Statement - Disclaimer - FOLLOW ME!

Down into the park and around the far pickle. Circle up for 8x each of

GM / IW / TT / SM

Follow me into the playground. Partner up (after missing a turn in the dark) for a mini Dora. Partner 1 works on the combined 100x each of Merkins / LBCs / Squats while Partner 2 runs the top half of the figure 8. Flapjack until the reps are done, then recover with 10 more squats. Follow me out onto the greenway.

Pause at the first turnoff, then head down the turnoff. Pass a walker, intimidate said walker, and pause at the gate. Return to about halfway between the turnoff and the gate and pause. With your partner, head in opposite directions to the ends, do 10 WWIIs, and return in the middle for 5 partner clap merkins. Keep going in opposite directions and repeato until we call it. Call it, reconvene at the gate, and hold for 20 squats. Continue away from the main greenway.

Pause at the hill to the left on Forest Park Way. Two rounds of Clock Merkins - 10 each at positions 12-3-6-9-12, then 5 each at positions 12-9-6-3-12, with 12 being an Erkin, and 6 being a Derkin. Recover and let’s mosey back toward the park to complete the loop.

Pause halfway for 10 squats. Continue past the park to the shopping center and do three rounds OYO of up the stairs to the presentation circle by Phydeaux for 10 American Hammers, then back down and up the stairs to the Phydeaux fire exit. Stop somewhere in there for 10 calf raises. Mosey back to the flag.

Mary consisting of 8x each of

FM / BC / H2M / LBC

Have a nice day and THAT’S IT.

COR - 16

NOR - 2 RESPECTs, 11 meh, 3 HATEs


Maynard Wednesday

Haven House raffle Thursday night


Yoga Mat’s sister in law kidney stones/infection

Dude that Shutty knows’s surgery

SWake guy made it back after a long recovery from injury

Flacco’s nephew

YHC took us out.


I’ve been married for 8 years! Wanted to commemorate the day with this workout, and this ended up being a great jump start for a day that was an important milestone. We celebrated over the weekend (and I was therefore exHAUSTed today), but y’all made this a successful day overall.

Tried to weave in a little bit of theme - the eight part was obvious, doing a figure eight in the playground was less obvious, and even less obvious was the greenway portion of the workout - we did a little over 5 years of long-distance dating leading up to our wedding… a trial definitely worth commemorating, especially since we came out on the other side intact!

So this one goes out to FiA’s Dopey. I love you so much, and can wait to log another year with you and our family.

See also