EH Your M

Your right. It had nothing to do with the 1stF this morning which is generally the purpose of a BB but from where I stood this morning it was the most significant thing I said. We spend our mornings pouring into ourselves and each other by way of strength building, creating comradery and lifting each other’s concerns up and we do it in the name of being better men, husbands and community leaders. I am convicted in my own efforts to EH my M into her workout community that has the potential to become for her exactly what F3 has become for me. Females in Action (FIA) not only provides an outlet which our Ms can receive a free boot camp style peer-led workout but can also serve to vanquish the same sad-clown syndrome that F3 has served for us. My M does post with FIA but I can do much more to coordinate the days I post with the days she can post.

Having said all that, there was a workout. It went something like this:

The Disclaimer is long. You should read it. I took two minutes and got half way through it as it was more like reading a bedtime story to the restless Pax.

We mosey to a well-lit intersection for the warm-up

Warm-up: Steve Earle, Imperial Walker, Mountain Climber, Australian Snow-Angel, J-Lo, Cotton Picker, Control Freak Dive Bombers, Good morning (S Wake Style)

Mosey to the Basketball court for Thang1

Thang1: Forrest to Sea - Bear Crawl from the baseline to mid-court, 10 Burpees, Crabwalk the remainder, sprint back to the start, Rinse and repeat but with 8, 6, 4, 2 burpees.

Mosey to the rather soggy football field for Thang 2

Thang 2: William Wallace - Divide into four groups. Each group goes to a separate corner of the football field. While the group holds plank one member of the group sprints to the center of field and performs and exercise. Three rounds with the exercises being: Diamond Merkins, Homer to Marge, Sumo Squats

Mosey back to the Flag for Thang 3

Thang 3 - Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge. Some good work to be had if you wanted to go get it.

COT: Announcements - Lion’s Den soft launch tomorrow. Prayers: Continued prayers for McCants, Sooey and Ausfaht

See also