Easy Directions

Warm Up

Immediately count off by 3s
PAX were then directed to head over to YHCs car where 3 35lb plates were leaning against the curb. Each group grabbed 1 plate. We were about to begin Indian Runs when the only PAX with a further drive to this AO than YHC rolled in HOT! Shout out to UTI from South Wake for making the trek up.
10 Penalty Turkish Getups for the late arrival.
The plate started with the PAX in the front and was confusingly passed around as we made out way to the far end of the elementary school. When we arrived the plates were placed at our feet and the PAX circled up for the following:
Imperial Walkers ICx20
Hillbillies ICx20
Monkey Humpers ICx20
Mountain Climbers ICx20
Merkins OMDx20

The Thang

We got back into our Indian Runs and made our way to the base of the tall stair case in the back of the school.
Each group was instructed to remain in their Indian Run passing the plate while the last PAX dropped and did 1 Burpee

Group 1 started in the large adjacent parking lot for 1 loop, Group 2 started in the large field nearby for their loop, and Group 3 climbed the stairs once. After each group finished we would rotate as a group to the next location. This was done 3 times. YHC believed these were relatively simple instructions to follow however 1 of the groups decided to start out doing the stairs 3 times in a row. When and how to pass the plate was also quite a brain teaser.

After all of the groups had completed 3 rotations, we gathered at the base of the stairs for some plank-o-rama to wait for the 6. There were also some side crunches that were snuck in by Hi-Liter’s request.

We then got back into our 3 groups and made our way back to YHCs car to replace the plates.

Thang Two

We then moseyed as a group to the track. 7’s were performed running half way around the track for 6 Plank Jacks, then completing the lap around, finally followed by 1 Star Jump. We did not have time to complete the 7’s as we were approaching some Bonus time during the workout.


She was not present.


Gosh there were quite a few announcements so hopefully I’m getting them all here:
Krispy Kreme in February - don’t be a tool, register with your F3 name for your Bib
South Wake Frosty CSAUP on Pearl Harbor Day - please sign up if you’re doing it
RESPECT Week begins Monday in Carpex
While Foods is later today!

Dirty Bomb took us out.


This was YHCs first chilly Q of the season and it just reminds me of how much I prefer these to the heat of the Summer.
Again - props to UTI making the trip up to celebrate my departure to Raleigh.
This is a special group of PAX up in NW Cary and you will be missed. Luckily my 1.0 lives around the corner making it easy to return again one day!

Twas a pleasure to lead as always! - Catch my farewell Q tomorrow at SWW.


See also