DZ - Part Deux

The second last minute switch of the morning as Burt had injured his finger opening cans of pre-mixed egg nog and bourbon seltzer, or something.

Once the PAX who could only take the warm up part of DZ had left, Wrench, Free Lunch and YHC did a quick mosey to the end of the car park for some good mornings (5), daisy pickers (10) and eskimo merkins (1 - 10 count).

Thang 1: Sevens of plank destroyers (Carolina wine maker, merkin, LR shoulder tap, plank straddle = 1) and burpees using the car park incline as the running bit.

Thang 2: Mini Dora. Given there were only three of us, we did this in semi-sync of 50 movements on, interleaved with bear crawls, crab crawls and turkey trots (duck dawdles) across the basketball courts. Totals were: Dips (50), elevated merkins (100), squats (150).

Thang 3/Mary: Run to a corner, do a set, run to the next corner down the sidewalk. Sets of Freddie Mercuries, Spiderman crawls, flutter kicks, cox-butters, merkins, LBCs, followed by HAND.

Thanks, Wrench and Free Lunch for hanging in there.

A great start to a great day!

See also