DZ for the prevention of DVT

YHC has been on the road a fair amount which adds a bit of stress both at home and on the body. Today’s DangerZone hopefully aids with prevention of the latter while I hope that the nice long Thanksgiving away will help with the former.

I was recently interested in what one should do when traveling long distances to prevent problems associated with sitting on in a tiny aluminum tube for many many hours. One site, from the esteemed folks at the UK NHS suggested “do anti-DVT exercises”. Not knowing anyone who knows anything about physical therapy – and certainly not anyone close enough to walk over to talk with – I figured it couldn’t be that hard and decided to make some thing up.


  • SSH IC x10 and Smurf-jacks x10
  • GM x10
  • 5 penalty burpees OYO
  • Sir Fazio / Overhead Clap sequence

Run around the pickle… BK/HK/carioce


Jog to the rock pit by the soccer field and get a travel rock.  Not a huge-monster-can-barely-pick-up rock like @Sabre but a regular travel rock. It will be with you for a while.

Mosey down to the corner of SW Cary Parkway and Norwell. 5x rock-burpees at the first light, 10x, 15x, 10x, 5x. Circle up.

8-count Rock-your-Body while we go around the circle sharing Thanksgiving plans and favorite dishes. @sabre started us off strong with a 13-minute monologue on the worthiness of … Sadly, I don’t remember what because I have only been able to think of @flacco’s casserole with pecans on top. @sabancarpex takes second with the country ham biscuits.

Mosey to the bridge. Merkins while you wait while the PAX single-file lunge walk across. The 2 inches of wet leaves on wet wood made for a suspect experience but luckily it was dark enough that you couldn’t see much.

Meet at the large field for a Squat/Lunge/Tricep sequence 5x, 10x, 15x, 20x and mosey to the volleyball courts.

Rock broadjump burpees from one side to the other. The sand was well packed but it sucked nonetheless. Finish off with some suicides back the other way and it’s time to put your rock back. Mosey.


Not today. It’s 6:30. @sabancarpex is here.


Count-a-rama: 9 with 3 respects

Announcements: the CARPEx 4-count Triple-Down is this weekend. Ruck - F3 - FiA - Dads options on Saturday. Lots of fun over Thanksgiving as well.

Prayers: work changes for McFly; travel and worries at home for the family


Good to Q again. It’s been a long time.

Flacco get Tubeless back out into the gloom. Good to see him!

The wet and slimy bridge was exciting. Bear Crawls would have been more fun. Flacco called it.

Long travel upcoming for YHC starting tonight. It’s adding a bit of stress at home since I won’t be at home to help with this weekend’s activities or with packing for the Thanksgiving trip to London. Have to figure out a way to communicate at home and manage the time away better. Ideas are welcome.

See also