Dusting the rust off

Rusty Tin Man

Well, F3 Carpex is back open, which is great! YHC has been posting fairly regularly throughout the past couple of months, but the one thing he hasn’t done is Q. Well, with the limit of gatherings to 10 people or less, when 20 people showed up for Hello Kitty’s 3 year Annie Very Sorry Q, the pax needed to be divided. Instead of letting Hermes Q his 73rd workout over the past 2 months, YHC stepped up and took the lead. As mentioned, it had been a while so why not dust off that rust with a big old scoop of vanilla for the 10 pax lucky enough to be in this group. Here’s what we did.

Warmup: Since we needed to be seperate, why not head out of the park and up the street to the elementary school? We circled up in the first area that was big enough to allow for social distancing for:
SSH x 15 IC
GM x 7 IC
IW x 10 IC
PJ x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count

Thang 1: Mosey around to front door area of the school and partner up (socially distanced of course) for a little Dora action.
100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBCs
While partner 1 works on those, partner 2 runs the big parking lot pickle. Flip flop upon return.

Thang 2: Head back over towards the entrance for some 7s. 1 burpee at the bottom, then run to the top of the short hill at Laura Duncan Rd for 6 start jumps. Repeat increasing burpees at the bottom by 1 and decreasing start jumps by 1 at the top.

Mary: Mosey back to Apex Nature Park to the first parking lot on the left, making sure the six is picked up along the way. Each Pax called an exercise as we went around the circle, including: Hello Dolly, Low Slow Flutter, Chase the Rabbit, Homer to Marge, Peter Parker Merkins, Dying Cockroaches, Rocky Balboas, Superman flutterkicks, and a couple more. Just like that we were out of time.

Announcements: TCP Sawgrass this Sunday at 2:00. See slack for details.
F3 Carpex is back Open!

Prayers/Praises: Term Paper. Repeato’s 1.0. Everyone dealing with new job situations, whether it be new positions, out of work, etc. I think we can all agree that most everyone’s job has/will change as we get through this time. Praises to Hello Kitty for 3 years in the gloom and prayers for everyone that has had to put up with him. J/k HK, we all love you. Hermes took us out. MIAGD!

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