Dungeons and Burpees

Donte’s Peak 10/09/2020

QIC:  Flenderson

PAX:Chicken Little, Henny Penny, short circuit, Sour Mash, Cataracts, WWW, Steaks, Red Ryder, Imp, Puddles, Snooki, Robin Hood

YHC has wanted to do a Dungeons and Dragons type Q since I first found the workout die and when this spot opened up it seemed like the perfect place. This Q was designed with 2 goals: 1. To cover as much as this park of the park as we could in 45 mins 2. To demonstrate how easy it is to Q. This workout truly was a chose your own adventure with PAX deciding most of the turns, letting the die and PAX  choose the exercises.

Warm Up:

Arm Circles

Good Morning



Good Morning Sun Blotters a theft has occurred and a bar of Augur is missing. Your mission is the search the park and find this magical metal that aid in invigoration of male community leadership. You will know it when you see it as it carries the mark of the Kingdom. Watch out for trouble as you more through the land.

The Quest:

First: Over the mountain down the other side to court

Roll dice

Across the meadow roll at goal line, mid field and goal line

To the lakes (tennis court), roll for each corner.

Mosey down the path to the bridge: roll 1 time.

Pax chose to bear crawl the bridge

Mosey to the swamp, roll

PAX chose to take the path leading to the pull-up bars and  everyone did an AMRAP set

Mosey to the upper seating area where PAX chose to do step ups

Mosey to upper lot to run gauntlet with an exercise in each quadrant

Although PAX where reminded of their mission their focus on exercise was so strong most ran right by the Shiny silver bar with the mark of the kingdom.

PAX made their way back to the starting location with the treasure in hand. Stopping to roll the die as various points.

Mosey back stopping to roll at junctions.

PAX choice continued as Mary was called in order of arrival.


Odyssey 10/24

YHC remind PAX of our obligation to Q this magic thing that we all love an need.

Prayers for the Family of Red Ryders friend who recently lost too soon to cancer.

Prayers for High Tower, his family and our brothers in Grandstrand as they cope with the loss of this HIM killed in the line of duty.