Dude Solutions

Although it was the earliest AO on the schedule for the day, the forecast said it was not the coldest at the start. So we had that going for us.

And a quick shout out to Hermes who was so concerned that I was lost as I drove past the parking lot to scout out a location, that he walked up the hill to the road to make sure I made it back safe and on-time. That’s a good site Q.

After admiring Lite-Brite’s shorts and flannel shirt combo, we were off.

Mosey from small parking lot to large parking lot and circle up in front of Global Knowledge, where they apparently know everything.

Warm Up Good Morning, Windmill, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Hillbillies, SSH

Mosey tour of all the new parking spaces they’ve added. Shut-In figured out that I was trying to get to the rock pile and helped me get there.

Find and Ego and Eco rock.

Thang 1 Curls, Shoulder Press, Overhead Tricep Extension, Front Shoulder Extensions x15

Partner up for wheelbarrow with increasing merkins 1-9 at each parking spot. Flip Flop

Curls, Shoulder Press, Overhead Tricep Extension, Front Shoulder Extensions x15

Stay w/ partner, pick 1 rock and Mosey across the street to that other parking lot with the hill.

Thang 2 Dora 1,2,3 - 100 Goblet Squats w/ rock; 200 LBCs w/ rock; 300 Chest Presses w/rock while other partner runs to the top of the hill and back.

Mosey back to return rocks and then head back to the flag with a quick stop on a nice patch of grass for some Absolution x 10

Mary 100s

COT Christmas Party, BRR Prayers/Praises - Rooney’s new job

YHC took us out with a quote from author Richard Bach

“You’re never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. If you argue for your limitations they are yours”


See also