DRP - Decisions


Proverbs 25:28 - Like a city whose walls are broken through is a man who lacks self control

We each made the conscience decision to take the Red Pill - resolving to do what is hard and true, over what is easy.

Each day we make 1000s of decisions, some of which set the course for our lives.  Your first decision today was not easy, its raining, its cold, but you knew that through this effort you would be incrementally more than you were yesterday.  Conscience effort in making the right decisions comes from decretion. Do we overindulge or moderate? Do we fartsack or attack the day? Do we set the example? Be a professional with your life.  Does a professional skip the practice court, does he gloss over his education, does he look not engage his network to grow? The Daily Decisions you make set the course for your life. A professional refines his talents through practice daily.  A professional continues to sharpen his mind through education and readings. And a professional turns to his peers for accountability in his life. All takes effort and it starts with a decision.

Red Pill today


Go Time 0545 Warm Up

  • mozy then circle back to get a late 6
  • Circle up SSH x20IC, Good Morning 8IC, Merkins x40-OMD, Side Plank Leg Lifts 10ea IC, Sir Fazio arm circles F/R 10IC
  • Continue our Run long way around the park to the frog pond with a couple stops for Prisoner Squats IC, Jump Lunges, and Bear Crawl Bridge

Thang One:  

  • Grab your favorite rock
  • Overhead carry to wall drop your rock for Dips, Irkins, Dirkins (there is no recover in YHC Q)
  • Grab any rock overhead carry to parking lot, drop your rock

Thang Two:

  • Plank Shuffle Rail Tunnel 4x (2 each side)

Thang Three:

  • Partner Leg Press
  • Partner 1 run on his back, feet up to catch partner 2
  • Partner 2 foot pivot on curb, leaning back to add weight
  • 2x rounds 25ea



  • Merkin Wave - Plank in a circle.  First one to fail, 15OYO Burpees, next 14, and so on



Triple Down

QSource starting Monday 10/29 at Beaver Creek Panera 0630 gather 0645 start 0715 end

Prayer Requests

Disco Duck’s wife Kelly for comfort.

Matlock’s swift recovery for his shoulder

Red Ryders Coworkers and those that we have all lost

Naked Moleskin 

Esse quam videri - To be, rather than to seem.  Be a PRO

See also