Droppin' Bombs


13 HIM joined YHC on a wet morning at SWW. Joe Smith claims that he dialed up some light drizzle to keep the motif alive…#ABB, he said. Well, if JS can dial up rain on command, more power to him! Let the beatdown begin.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the parking lot closest to the entrance - Paint the Lines; Happy Jacks; Windmills; LBC’s; Crabjacks; Sir Fazio AC’s; Imperial Walkers; Squats; Wolverines - Mixed Run to the Shelter (Backwards Run, Karaoke L&R)

The Thang

- B.O.M.B.S. - Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to the flag and back. Swap out and continue until, as a team, you complete: 50 Burpees / 100 Overhead Claps / 150 Merkins / 200 Big Boy Sit-ups / 250 Squats. - Hail Mary’s and Dips (2 rounds, x20)


- Sweat Angels and Side Plank Star Crunches


- Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left - Achilles Stretch left and right - Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up - Chicken Wing stretch right and left

GREAT work, men!

See also