Drop Your Sticks for a Route 66

AO: Phoenix

August 18, 2018

Keeping with the mid-August pain pticks theme, and not to be outdone by Bluewater’s Death by Dora mini-Murph at Slippery When Wet yesterday, YHC and Build-a-Bear dutifully planted a minefield of concrete and PVC for a lovely morning’s fun.  Site Q Texas Ranger led a pack of 4 HIM’s for the EC run (+ Ollie, Sosa & Chipper - who had a rare Saturday M-pass to join us). WWW and Freebird held back on IR for a Bruiser while the other 15 HIM’s toured the park. Let it be known that with some of the usual crowd off camping and enjoying a final summer vacation week, Callahan attempted (and mostly succeeded) in subbing for the usual Phoenix hecklers (Kitty, Burt, etc.) – penalty Burpees and a Q-Moon were awarded.


Pledge of Allegiance then mosey to the big field, circle up.

Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH’s, Quad Stretches, Calf Stretch  Merkins

Partner up and mosey to the theater parking lot to find some pain sticks

Thang 1 - Sticks on Stage

Collect the sticks and mosey to the amphitheater. Partner 1 on stage with the sticks for a Dora: 100 Overhead Presses; 200 Curls; 300 Rows (let it be known that the curls sucked).  Partner 2 crawl bear up the first aisle, bear crawl down the second, crawl bear up the third, mosey back (YHC learned that little gem of routine from none other than Riptide himself).  Switch and repeat. Q called lunges on the second round to avoid excessive moaning.  Return the sticks and recover for Thang 2.

Thang 2 - Route 66 (aka counting practice)

Now, for the uninformed, a Route 66 involves running and doing some number of exercises along the way, with a total of 11 stops, counting one rep of each exercise at each stop (for a total of 66 reps of each exercise when done correctly). While Burpee’s are most commonly applied, today’s experiment involved the venerable Merkin and Plank-Jacks in a 4-count cadence.  One would think this would be easy to keep track of.

So after dropping off the sticks, Q leads the PAX on a tour of Bond Park, stopping at the beach for round 2. By round 3 at the kiosk, Q began to lose count and required coaching from some of the more mathematically inclined, eventually regaining his focus by about round 10.  Thanks to Hi-Liter for keeping the pace and Callahan for some colorful observational commentary and mostly unwelcome compliments along the way.

Mosey to the flag.  About 3 miles total today.


LBC’s, Low Slow Flutters,  Box Cutters, all 10 count in cadence.  Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama: 17 (4 respects); no FNG’s, one visitor from F3 Davidson Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Stout (F3 Davidson), Snots, Hi-Liter, WWW, Freebird, Callahan, Chipper, Pigeon, Yoga Mat, Smokey, Tubeless, Ollie, Build-a-Bear, Beaner, Texas Ranger, PBX

Prayers / Praises:

Prayers for all of our children headed back to school, Chipper’s M.

YHC took us out

Thank you, men for your companionship, fellowship and trust in me this morning, my first Phoenix Q. YHC first posted and was named at this AO on Saturday 3/10/18 (Texas Ranger Q).

See also