Draw A Card!

Tuesday Morning at Claymore 5 pax gathered in the gloom to get in some good work. So, after a sort of awkward greeting (as we were not exactly sure what to do with our hands, or at least YHC wasn’t.  For anyone reading this in the future, the world was dealing with Coronavirus) and a quick disclaimer we were off moseying over to the playground side of the parking lot.


After we made a full lap around 2 rows of cones that YHC had set up, which included some side shuffle and some line painting, we circled up for warmups reps:

  • Good Morning
  • Hillbillies
  • Calf Stretches

The Thang:

YHC had received an official deck of F3 playing cards for Christmas about a year ago, and I’d finally decided to utilize them in this workout. Check them out here: https://f3nation.com/dexicon/

This Thang was simple, pax take turns drawing a card and then calling the exercise on said for number of reps predetermined by YHC.  Except with the whole “giving each other each space thing,” YHC drew each card.  Then the corresponding pax would call the exercise.  We basically covered every general exercise, minus Burpees and Dips.




5 pax strong: 1 Hate, 1 Meh, 3 Respect

Prayers/Praises: Just for the nation dealing with the virus, and for healing for those sickened by it. Prayed for America to trust God through this time, and to remember that He is in control!

YHC took us out.

NMS:  Unfortunately, the time passed to quickly and we didn’t quite make it through all the workout cards.  But you can certainly trust that they will make another appearance in the future!

See also