Drain the SWAMP

YHC is on the road this week for a conference in DC, so with that I had to put out the Hello Kitty bat signal to stir up interest for a Carpex inspired beatdown in the District.

With an F3 Arlington (launching soon) bro in toe and thanks to a long distance EH from Half, Pax of 3 set out for a workout at DuPont Circle’s fountain with YHC as the QIC for an off-the-books good time.

Warm up:

  • Lap around the circle
  • Oh hey there’s a guy that looks like he’s looking for us… sup Chris
  • Second lap around the circle
  • SSH
  • Plank Jacks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Quick feet

Thang 1:

  • There are 6 side walk “spokes” in the circle
  • Bear crawl one way lunge back in with stops for
  • Superman
  • WWII
  • American Hammers
  • Merkins
  • Plank Jacks
  • And on spoke 6 all 5 together
  • Each time back to the center the Pax did L/R step ups and/or dips/erkins (Yes it’s with an E)

Thang 2:

  • Oh, no burpees yet, to the outside of the circle for a stop at each spoke for ascending burpees
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the count

To the grass for Mary led by F3 Arlington’s Todd (hospital name) for (not in this order):

  • LBC, Boat/Canoes, Bonnie something or other (they suck, can’t wait to show the Carpex guys), Chill cut on a 1:00 count, and have a nice day

YHC took us through a COT and we left with heads bowed in thankful reflection for the chance to connect this morning.

The power of F3 boys is a special thing, pumped to post with the Arlington Pax tomorrow morning, YHC will report back.



See also