DR Q's - SLC and The Fort

YHC was DR this week with a week in CLT and a couple days in SLC. While I’ve often posted DR, I was looking forward to the change to Q while out and about - and share all the glory that CARPEx has to share with the fine boys in Salt Lake and The Fort.

Salt Lake City - AO ??

PAX: Pierogi, Hightower, ThighMaster, XX

Landed in SLC on Tuesday morning and had a few hours to kill prior to my first meetings in Sandy so decided to check out the Wednesday AO location. And holy smokes it’s far! And flat. I’ve been coming to the SLC area for years and had visions of sending the PAX up a 30deg slope to run 7’s or 11’s. Not so here. A beautiful park tucked into a Truman Show-esque neighborhood, the AO was a pancake. An ideal location for Blue Ridge Relay training this was not. But certainly tons of options. I was eager for my arrival Wednesday morning.

Got up at 4 and was more or less awake halfway into my drive to Herriman. Watched a beautiful moon-set en route and arrived to find a pitch black AO. Since it was a bit early, I rested on the hood of rental and excitedly looked to the skies to see if I could potentially spy a shooting star or two. Alas… none but tricks of the eye. The other SLC PAX started showing up so it’s go time.


  • Got into a square and started off with 25 IC SSH. About 15 in, however, YHC was out of breath. This was not going to be easy!
  • Let me catch my breath with some IW, windmills, cherry pickers, HBs
  • Mosey


1: mosey through the neighborhood so everyone is familiar with the trail for the Dora to follow. Found a nice flat spot for half the PAX to hang back while the other half run a short circuit. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs

2: mosey to the shelter for a picnic table progression: of L/R step ups, dips, irkins, derkins (10-15-20-25)

Mary: Shakiras, Freddy Merkins, Flutter Kicks, PAX choice

COT: 4 HIMs made it to the gloom. Prayers for healing and forgiveness. Hightower considering a hike over the weekend.

NMS: Check out the PUT6 ep here.

The Fort - Alcatraz

PAX: Pierogi, Boogie Down, Jekyll, Smuggler, Wegmans, Change Order

Been coming to Alcatraz for some time with my first back when C-SPAN was around. It’s a great location with lots of options. So after posting twice at the Chick-fil-a parking lot on Monday (Quagmire) and Friday (Swamp), time to Q this puppy.

Upon arrival, YHC found the PAX had done their research. Calls of “Ravioli” and “Polish Prince” went unacknowledged as I silently cursed Hello Kitty.

It’s a 60 minute version. Let’s go!

Warm-up: SSH, Cherry Pickers, IW, MC, Merkins, Plank & stretch


1: head to diamond for an abbreviated Dora. Comments about the lack of bedside manner and that the warm-up was insufficient were ignored. Partner up and complete 50 burpees, 100 merkins and 150 WWIIs while your partner moseys to 1st, bear-crawls to 2nd, lunge walks to 3rd and moseys back. The WWIIs resulted in lots of clay on everyone’s back. Time to brush that off with a short session of BTTW, Water Wings style. YHC attempted to demonstrate the much cooler approach to BTTW but when Wegmens face-planted into the fence, it was time to move on.

2: Mosey to the big halfpipe-esque hills north-west of the park. There will be three stops on each hill: bench, bench & top. Group 1 went up one half of the halfpipe while Group 2 went up the shorter half and added star-jumps at each stop. Flip-flop and repeat.

3: Mosey to the rock pile at the south corner of the park. These rocks are HUGE!

  1. Curls
  2. Rock-row
  3. Overhead press
  4. Tricep extensions
  5. Rock-Your-Body (8-ct progression)

Mary: Freddy Mercs, Shakiras, Supermans

COT: 6 PAX. Prayers for healing and forgiveness. Q-Source immediately following. Labor Day in- and con-vergences.

NMS: Beautiful time in SC. Thanks for the welcome men!

See also