DR in Chi-town

YHC is DR in Chi-Town this week and was, frankly, very much looking forward to posting with the PAX of @F3Chicago. So looking forward to it that a recon was conducted the day before to see what #TheBean had to offer:

After recruiting a work buddy to FNG with me in the cold and gloom this morning, I was happy to see that neither a late night (Noonan) nor an illness (Denari) kept the local faithful away.

With a few words of welcome, we were off for my first DR Q. If you want to follow along on the map click here.


  • SSH x20
  • IW x10
  • Sir Fazio x10 and in reverse x10
  • Overhead arm claps x10

Thang 1:

TheBean has a really cool ribbon bridge. Not open till ~6 so we had to move some barricades out of the way so we could enjoy a set of 11’s:

  • Bobby Hurleys at one end
  • Burpees at the apex
  • Star-jumps at the other end

Each across = 1.

Thang 2:

Bench for a quick set of Dips, Step-ups, Derkins/Irkins in decreasing sets of  20-15-10-5 Back to the Bean / Cloud Gate for ….


  • WWII 20x
  • Boat/canoe 10x
  • Plank jacks 20x
  • AH 20x
  • Freddy Mercury 20x


Pierogi, Noonan, Denari and FNG Hamptons

FNG Jonathan became “Hamptons” after a little side story about worrying whether he left his tights at his weekend house.


Mega props to Noonan and Denari for coming out. These two HIMs are the only locals close to the Bean and are called to host most DRWs.

This AO has a lot to offer but heated sidewalks and a break from the wind are not some of those things.

See also