Downtown Theology Tour

This is the first week of Disturbing the Peace’s new location. Hamm, one of the site Qs, went to check to see if anyone missed the memo and alas there was 1, so he pointed him in the right direction and we picked him up on a mosey through town. I was afraid folks would miss the old site, so I decided to do a fly by. We actually visited a few of the churches in the greater POGL area this morning. Here’s what went down:

Warmup: 16 at the NEW flag location with no FNGs so the pledge is pledged and we flame the main to scoop up Hamm on his way back from the old flag site. We wave to Apex Baptist on the way by and head down the hill to the pool for our warmup.
SSH IC x 15
GM IC x 5
Hillbillies IC x 10
SFAC fwd/bkwd IC x 10
Seal Claps IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 10
Calf Stretch L/R silent 10 count each side

Thang 1: Head down the hill towards 55 and play a little frogger to get to Sovereign Grace Church. 3, no make that 5 rounds of 5 pullups. When not on pullup bars:
Merkins x 10
LBCs x 10
Dips x 10
A little plank work while we wait for folks to finish.

Thang 2: Head back across 55 (there sure is a lot of traffic in Apex at 0600) and take a right at the cemetery and mosey up the hill all the way to Salem St. Merkins x 10 OYO while we wait for the 6. TYFYL Bobby Boucher for informing YHC we could just head straight and over the train tracks (no train today) to get to the Apex United Methodist Church. Everyone grabs a non-travelling rock for:
Curls for the girls IC x 10
Skull Crushers IC x 10
Goblet Squats IC x 10
American Hammers with rock IC x 10
LBCs with rock IC x 10
Dying Cockroach with rock IC x 10
Thrusters IC x 10

Mary: Everyone put the rocks back and we mosey back to the flag for some Mary.
Freddie Mercury IC x 10
J Lo (I mean she was half the halftime show for the Superbowl and all) IC x 10
Hello Dolly IC x 10
Crab Cakes IC x 10
Low Slow Flutter IC x 10
Supermans IC x 10
Runners Stretch L/R x 10 SC each side
Pigeon Stretch L/R x 10 SC each side
Butterfly Stretch x 10 SC
Have a nice Day!

YHC took us out.

NMS: As always, thank you to everyone that choose to come to my Q this morning. I’m always humbled that people chose to make my leadership part of their day. Pretty sure I did see Red Ryder on his way to a workout this morning, and it wasn’t mine. It’s ok though, I still love you RR. I’ve been pushing myself to Q more as part of the Carpex leadership challenge but also to try and grow my confidence. A lot of my day is either spent OYO or just 1 on 1, so I feel it’s great practice to lead people, as hopefully one day I’d like to find myself in more of a management role professionally. I also feel as though it might help at home. I’m the passive, even keel one at home but that’s not always a good thing. Everyone needs leadership at some point and it helps make the relationship feel more balanced. This is a deep hole, but that’s the surface at least. MIAGD gents, and SYITG again soon!

See also