Double Nickles Pickles

Sixteen HIMs showed up at Danger Zone to help YHC celebrate his 55th trip around the sun. A glorious morning, with the temp at 47° according to the Disco Duck-mobile. EC runners come rolling in and after some light mumble chatter it’s time to get started.

Warm Up

  • Windmills x 11 IC
  • SSH x 11 IC
  • Sir Fazio/Fazio Sir x 11 each IC
  • Hillbillies x 11 IC
  • Standard Merkins x 11 OMD (shout out to Saban for the reminder of “starting position, move”

Thang 1: P-I-C-K-L-E-S

At each end of the pickle, do the following, repeating the previous exercises each time:

  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 25 LBC’s
  • 30 E2K (Elbows to knees)
  • 35 Star Jumps

Thang 2: Ring of Fire

Celebrating the Man in Black’s birthday as well, it’s time for a little Ring of Fire. Six stations arranged around the parking lot, with a different exercise at each one. AMRAP within a minute. We did two rounds.

  • Merkins
  • Burpees
  • Jump Squats
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Freddy Mercury’s
  • WWII’s


Various Mary exercises called by different PAX culminating with YHC calling celebratory Pickle Pounders, with a nice slow finish.


Count: 16 - 5 respects, 2 hates, 9 meh

Announcements: soft launch of new Saturday AO, Piranha Park on 2/27 at Apex Community Park. 0645-0745, because Vicious Fishes opens for coffee at 8. Hard launch on 3/6.

Prayer requests: praises for Happy Gilmore’s friend Buck who came off the ventilator and is recovering from COVID at home, prayers for Disco Duck’s grandmother who took a fall recently, prayers for PAX looking for employment, praises and prayers for YHC’s neice Christy, who is expecting her first child in September.


  • Grateful for another trip around the sun on God’s beautiful creation.
  • Good fortune on the weather this morning – 47 in February? Yes please!
  • Happy to have Leprechaun and his buddy Bag Boy come out and celebrate with us.
  • Thanks Burt, for the Natty Light, Fireball and pickles! (Although, I think those were technically gherkins. Need to research my pickle taxonomy. LOL)
  • Thanks to Coney for the coffeeteria.
  • Can’t think of a better way to start another lap than leading you HIMs.

See also