Double Nickels for the Triple Nickel

I had originally signed up to Q Half Dome a few weeks ago but had to postpone so I was excited for my first Q here. Usually the hunting grounds of the beige bro tribe, they were nowhere to be found this rainy Thursday. But what we did have was a small and mighty group who came to work. And work they would do.


We splished and a splashed our way down Castalia to the second calming circle for a couple of warm-up exercises to, of course, include merkins. I don’t remember the other ones because they pale in comparison to merkins. Continue on up the big hill and down to High House where we did a couple of more warm-up exercises.

The Thang

Mosey down High House to the second entrance to Bond Park. This served as the top of our hill for the Triple Nickel - go to the bottom of the hill (entrance to Jersey Mike’s) do 5 burpees, run back up to the top for 5 world’s worst merkins. Do that 5 times. 5 exercises at the bottom, 5 at the top, 5x - triple nickels. YHC is 55 so there was a certain symmetry to it.

Disclaimer. We only made it up that hill 4x because we needed to head on back lest YHC gets lambasted by @sabancarpex. However, we completed our 5th hill on the way back, so the Triple Nickel was completed in its entirety.


Count-a-rama: 7

Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 4 mehs

Announcements: TPC this Sunday at 1400; #MFRF2P this weekend

Prayers/Praises: ViewMaster shared some medical news and is looking for a good diagnosis. On the positive side, VM is on the way to his first 6-pack. Aye! Others were spoken and unspoken. YHC took us out in prayer.


  • Strong work by brother ViewMaster. He earned that 6-pack!
  • Whoa, when did freakin Saban get so fast? He was smokin it up those hills! Looking good, brother!
  • Prodzie just continues to smoke almost everyone cause he’s a beast. Fun story, I went to text Prodigal the other day but couldn’t find him in my contacts until I realized he was in there as Portugal. Dammi, @burtcarpex!
  • Except Lucky Charms. Lucky is plucky. He don’t talk much; he just gets to work! And he’s a RESPECT!
  • Thanks to everyone who picked up the six and/or stayed with the six. Buncha HIMs y’all are
  • Guess who has two thumbs and owns the Half Dome elevation record! Yeah, THIS GUY!
  • It was my pleasure to lead; heck it was my pleasure to just be around y’all.
  • Coffeteria was strong!

See also