Double Duty

51 is a lot different than 50 was last year. Just the situation - we are now back to getting after it in groups in the gloom. On April 15, 2020, we’d officially shut down group workouts. But one thing I wanted to keep the same. Do a Murph on my birthday. The day started with a run into Bounty Hunters, which depending on the route I choose is right about 3 miles. The distinctive sound of Axl Rose accompanied my trip. I purposely chose a route where I’d likely meet the Reverse Dino crew, which was pretty substantial.

So we did a Murph today. Started from the flag, took a half lap, then ran to Baucom Elementary, and did another lap there which makes just about 1 mile. 100 Pullups, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats, break them down into whatever sets work for you. I cut off the exercises at 6:02 so we’d have plenty of time to do the same run and meet back at the flag. With a few minutes to kill, we got in Captain Thor up to 9:36. Have a Nice Day.

Total PAX including runners was 30. My 2.0 Turducken made his 3rd F3 post today to work out with us to celebrate my 51st trip around the sun.

One of the BEST things about this morning - my M was Q’ing the FiA workout, and agreed to let me plan what they were gonna do. I let her pick warm-up and cool-down exercises. Their Thang was: Do 1 lap Catch Me If You Can, the exercise being 5 burpees. Then one round of 7s across the parking lot - bear crawling. Do another lap of Catch Me, then another round of 7s. Bear-crawling. The 7s exercises were Monkey Humpers, Mike Tysons, Heels to Heaven and LBCs. I think this one is a keeper.

Thanks guys for allowing me to lead. It was a good day.

See also