Dos Toros

Saturday is coming up fast and no one has claimed the Phoenix Q. YHC checks with the co-site Q to see if it’s really available, it is, and we decide to co-Q. Disco Duck takes the first half, Texas Ranger takes the second. Here we go.


Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, Sir Fazios, plank jacks and mountain climbers.

The Thang

Mosey down to the Parking Lot of Pain, stopping at each light pole for ascending star jumps. When we reach the shelter either sprint across the parking lot or pick up the six (we had a couple of IR guys who were unable to run today).

Partner up for Dora 1-2-3. While one partner sprints across the parking lot and back, the other partner knocks out 100 derkins, 200 dips and 300 step ups.

With one minute left in the first half we head out to the parking lot for ten burpees OYO.

Disco Duck warmed ’em up, now it’s time for Texas Ranger to beat ’em down.


After the time at the parking lot of pain and Disco Duck handing it off to YHC, we undertook the mini-BULL suck-up. Allow me to explain: when YHC was in high school what most folks around here call suicides we called suck-ups, i.e., running back and forth between lines, each time running forward another line and then back to the starting line. Here, the PAX started at the parking lot at the first light pole. The PAX then moseyed up the road two light poles and then turned and sprinted back down one light pole distance. Once finished with the sprint there was an exercise all PAX members did while waiting for the six to come in. The first exercise was Burpees. Then, we did another mosey up the road two light poles, then sprinted back one light pole and did the exercise called Up Straddle Hop (don’t know what it is?! look it up at!!). Then, repeato, with different leg on the Up Straddle Hop. Next, again up the road two light poles, sprint one light pole back and did LBC’s for the exercise. Then, once more up two light poles, sprint one light pole back, with Lunge jumps as the ending exercise. You get it, the exercises spelled BULL…and by doing this we had traveled up the hill. Next, we started the word BULL over by doing Bear crawl up two light poles, which was a crazy long way actually. With YHC and the PAX looking fairly whooped, we moseyed into one of the parking lots and found a little hill that we ran up, did a jump around, and ran back down, 4 times. Then, we moseyed a little more around the corner of the building for some Balls to the Wall and LBC combos. After that we moseyed back toward the flag and the traditional stop sign where we did three sprints with the last getting us back to the flag. At the flag, we ended with merkins, low slow flutters, and have a nice day.


Count-a-rama:  18 Name-a-rama:  4 RESPECTs, 13 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Old Maid’s M had good results from a recent medical test; pray for a family Coxswain knows grieving the death of a family member from cancer; Flacco asked prayer for Kristine who is battling breast cancer; Blue Water asked prayer for his fiancé’s sister with pancreatic cancer. BOM:  Texas Ranger took us out


Burt pulled through the parking lot on his way to Raleigh. He says he wasn’t recruiting, but that’s kinda what it looked like.

Kotters to Coxswain, nice to see him again after his winter hibernation.

Ma Bell was there for COT, all clean and pretty for a meeting with the Appalachian Service folks. So clean and pretty he didn’t want to hug any of his F3 brothers. Still, he’s a HIM.

Callahan and Flacco were both hobbled by injuries, but both posted and modified as needed and got after it.

Pigeon is already thinking about his VQ, and he wants to do it at Phoenix. Keep an eye out for that.

Bond Park gets busier as the days warm up, and we need to keep looking out for cars. “Car…pex!”

Biner continues to impress by wearing the weight vest. This time for the full work-out. YHC wants a vest, too, really bad to be like Biner.

Great job, men! As always, it was a privilege to lead you at Phoenix.

See also