Dora Got Nothing on Jeff 1-2-3-4


Per usual, planning the Q started sometime after dinner and finalized before going to bed. YHC drifted off to a sound sleep with a smile my face. The smile continued as I woke up (I mean, at my age every day above ground is a blessed one), through my morning deuce/wordle/stretching routine, and on the drive to Bond Park. 40 seconds prior to launch, YHC flawlessly recited and enunciated the F3 Mission. Nobody heard it with all the mumblechatter. Their loss. LFG!


Jog down to the lower parking lot and circle up for Merkins (@loom, do you even know me bro?), SSH, Prisoner Squats, and Good Mornings.

Thang 1

Mosey to the corner for a set of escalators - 10 Knee Tuck Jumps at the 1st corner. Backwards run to the 2nd corner for 20 Burpees. Run to corner 3 for 30 LBCs, Backwards run to the 4th corner for 40 Squats, then back to the original/5th corner for 50 El Capitans. Plank hold for the six. Line up in 2 lines for a double applesauce run to the kiosk.

Thang 2

Partner up and grab a rock you can hold in one hand. Gather up for a Jeff 1-2-3-4, YHC’s take on a Dora 1-2-3. As a partner team, complete 100 Jump Tucks, 200 E2Ks, 300 Floyd Mayweathers (with the aforementioned rock), and 400 Flutter Kicks while alternating running up the hill and back. 10(ish) minutes left, let’s go

Thang 3

Run over to the big shelter, which @burtcarpex keenly noted was in the opposite direction of the flag. Noted. Once at the shelter, 20 Irkins, 20 Dirkins, and 20 Dips OMD. 3:30 left, perfect for the jog back to the flag where we totally finished on time.


  • Countarama: 25 accounting for bouncers
  • Namearama: 1 HONOR, buncha RESPECTS, a bunch more Mehs
  • Announcements - WWCM, Loom’s Mosque Open House on 3/5 11a-2p, Pick-up trash on Jenks 2/26 10a (afterward, buy a bike, do your grocery shopping, gitcher likker)
  • Prayers/Praises - spoken and unspoken
  • BOM - YHC took us out in prayer


  • Kwik Stop tweaked a hammie on the El Capitans and walked around for Thang 2 and 3. I felt bad for Kwikkie, meh, he’ll be alright, it’s not my fault, f him, he did it to himself, I’m glad he made the coffee beforehand, thanks for the coffee, Kwikkie!
  • 4 runners were still at the flag when we left the parking lot and still there when we got back on time. What were they really doing?
  • The mumblechatter was solid this morning - except during the Merkins and hill runs
  • We all got better together. MIAGD

See also