Dora Dora

15 Pax including 4 FNG’s for Explored a new area at Flirtin With Disaster. Gloves were donated to each of our 4 FNG’s. Great work Oofta in bringing out all these FNGs! I think this might be tied for a common era FNG record. The Warmup: Jog to the office park across the Parkway, a little Karaoke and backwards running, plank holding and one-arm merkins along the way to keep us all together. Jog around the “parking deck” which it turns out is only about 15 parking spots under a shelter. Circle up for some warm up including Good Mornings, SSH, Hillbillies, Plank Jacks, Mtn Climbers, Merkins at random quantities. The Thang: Partner Dora 1 2 3 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs P1- run around the building P2- do the exercise flapjack Mosey to the bottom of the long segmental block geo-grid reinforced Keystone retaining wall Line up on the wall for another round of Partner Dora 1 2 3 100 Wide grip merkins, 200 jump lunges, 300 american hammers P1- Balls to the wall/Peoples Chair P2- do the exercise flap jack

COT - 15 pax, 4 FNG’s got their names - yes we moved quickly through this so Smokey wouldn’t be late for work Announcements - New AO in Downtown Apex launching 2 Thursdays from now, Hunter something is the name, F3Churham Convergence - May 6, F3 Carpex Picnic May 6 - Bond Park Prayer requests - McCants friend passed away this past weekend, leaving a young child - Ansel - link to support: Praise - Flouride’s nephew is recovering from back injury from fall off roof, he is now Walking!

NMS- I have to go back to work so this is going to be brief. Welcome FNGs! Good work in the recruitment Oofta! Good insight on the fly Pet Sounds with the purpose and overview of F3! Great work MEN!

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