Dora 2-2-2

First day of Spring and the weatherman is calling for snow, I arrive a few minutes early to check the parking lot and make sure it’s safe, it’s wet but 37 degrees, so we’re all set.


Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios and burpees.

The Thang

Everybody grab a cinder block and partner up for Dora 2-2-2, 200 curls, 200 overhead presses, 200 squats while your partner carries his coupon to the light pole and back. Why 200 for all three exercises? Because 300 sucks and 100 isn’t enough (thanks, Ruckers!).

Put the coupons away and paint the lines. Bear crawl along one line, shuffle over to the next line, and crawl bear back, then do one merkin. Repeato adding another merkin each time until we hit seven. Repeato in the other direction, going from seven merkins down to one.

Lunge walk back to the flag, then mosey to the front of the church for BTTW with a ten count down the line.


Circle up at the flag and go around the horn for Freddie Mercurys, Makhtar N’Diayes, American hammers, LBCs, and burpees.


Count-a-rama:  8 Name-a-rama:  2 RESPECTs, 5 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Praise for Sooey getting a clean checkup last week, prayers for his friend who has medical issues, prayers for Crimson’s friend who lost his mother unexpectedly, prayers for WWW as he chaperones a group of high schoolers this weekend, prayers for Hi-Liter’s dad as he battles cancer, prayers for the M’s of Earhart, Spartan and YHC as they recover from various medical issues. BOM:  YHC took us out


The PAX were a little rowdy during warmups, so I had to call some burpees to settle things down. But as Red Ryder pointed out, we were gonna do those burpees anyway.

Crimson did only one merking at the end of each line during the paint the lines ladder, but as he correctly explained, that was a communication error on my part. I take full responsibility and will charge myself a few penalty, er, reward burpees so it doesn’t happen again.

Crimson is not the only one who can’t count. YHC struggled to remember which birthday I have coming up next week. So don’t ask me how old I am, just know I’m not a RESPECT yet, but I can see it coming.

Tortoises is a parking lot and not much else, but it is one of my favorite places to post because of the PAX, the best HIM this region has to offer.

Thank you for letting me lead this group of amazing men this morning.

See also