Don't sweat the small stuff ... its all small stuff. If your 5 mins early, you’re late ... 5 secs to beatdown.

The day started out great. I awoke at 0415 for my normal father dooties (no pun intended). I took the youngest member of my family, our mixed breed dog, Ella for a morning walkabout. As I got home, my M was waiting for me stating something does not smell right. She was right. My littlest of all littlest, Ella made a mess in her kennel and I had to clean it up which now put me behind my schedule to ready myself for this morning’s beatdown.  Don’t sweat the small stuff … its all small stuff!!!

I got out of the house around 0536 hrs. I was possibly going to be late. So, I tried to call HK knowing that BO is his home AO. No answer … voicemail. Dang, now I was really screwed. I was going to be late to my own party which I try to pride myself in getting there early enough to gauge the PAX. You know what, life can throw you some curve balls, be ready accept it and react accordingly. The stars and moon aligned and I arrived with 5 secs to spare. Jumped out of my truck and right into the BOM waiting to get going. Quick F3 admistravia stuff and our PoA to Old Glory. No FNGs so off we went, right to my truck. QIC/YHC had each PAX grab two bricks mentioning to not put them down until QIC tells them to do so. The looks on the PAX face was priceless. It was the same expression when I pulled the bricks out at SWW.

The stretchers went on their merry way to the grassy knoll near the fountain. We went the opposite direction moseying to the bank circle for warm-up: GM with the bricks, hamstring stretch with bricks, CFMs, Sir Fazio with bricks, and military presses.

Mosey to the corner of Chatham and Academy to begin the thang.

Thang 1: 5-5-5 (Triple Nickel) – Ode to BaB’s birthday Q week theme. Mine’s just a little different and a little weird … Light pole to light pole. At every light pole, the PAX did: Merkin with L/R rows x5 WWII x5 Lunge walk L/R x5 Mosey to next light pole, repeato at each light pole for 10 light poles.

Mosey to fountain while doing curls for girls x25 and overhead presses x25. At the fountain, QIC calls thang 2.

Thang 2: 2 rounds of: L/R step-ups to the fountain x10 Dirkins x10 Bent over flyes x10

Moseying back to flag. Partner up to get to know your Brother. At every light pole stopping at each, do curls x10. Switch partners. Repeato for the next three light poles doing brick overhead presses. Switch partner. Repeato this time doing tricep extensions. Switch partner. Repeato doing weighted deadlifts.

At the last light pole, QIC had the PAX circle up. In the squat hold position, we did wonder bra x10 … recover. In the squat hold position again, we did curl presses x10.

Mosey the rest of the way back to flag with the bricks above the head.

At the flag, QIC had the PAX shoulder to shoulder facing uphill and called Wolverine burpees x10 on my down.

Now we can put our bricks away. Circle up for PAX favorite Mary x10.

Count-a-rama: 23

Name-a-rama: Respects x8; mehs x13, Hates x2

Announcements: Carpex Century (6-year F3’versary); Read The Muggo … special story on the docket; Crazy Train CSAUP and Pimento Cheese Festival (Slack for deets), Night Train (rucking event); Odyssey – Oct 5; Oct 7th Carpex Golf; New AO – Green Mile June 22; more F3 events on the docket coming up (Slack for deets)


Prayers & praises for Quiver and family closing on their house today

Prayers for Greenbow in a career transition

Prayers for Liverpool and Cindy going on a retreat. May the dear Lord continue to bless them through these times.

BOM: QIC had the PAX lock it up and took us out.


Always be prepared for anything. If it happens, its ok. Just Press On!!! Everything will be ok!

Always a blessing to lead true HIMs. It’s a blessing to wake up every morning to work on the temple.

See also