Don't Sandbag Me Bro

Welcome to Day 2 of the Back-to-Back Beaker Beatdown (B4 [TM]).  I want to let you in on a little secret.  I typically sign up to Q with an idea already in mind.  Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to carry five gallons of water around and then hop on a sled pulled by my fellow PAX?”  But, when I was perusing the F3Carpex website looking at Q sheets last Friday, I noticed a glaring hole at SNS this coming week, so I jumped on it.  However, the F3 muse was not with me and I found myself staring at a map of Bond park last night wondering what the heck I was going to do the next morning at 0545.  That’s when inspiration struck.  Inspiration, thy name is Flip Flop.  Read the offending post for yourself, it’s pretty clear there was a not-so-subtle insinuation that YHC would sandbag the Q and leave the PAX woefully unspent.  Challenge accepted, I own a couple sandbags.  A whole lotta PAX departed the lot at 0505 for Insomnia while Bartman and YHC headed out for The Walking Dead.  The lot was full when we returned, meaning plenty of PAX to hopefully heed the disclaimer of the day; “If you hate any part of this workout, blame Flip Flop.”

Jog around all the cars to a well-lit portion of the exit path for merkins, good mornings, and windmills. Continue out of the lot, across the bridge to the community center for some willie-mays hays and calf stretches. The plans was to divide in two groups, each with a 10lb sandbag, and Indian run all over the place passing the sandbag back and then running it forward.  First stop was the lower parking lot for:

10x merkins and 5x clap merkins with the sandbag on your back.  Waiting PAX were in plank.  Did I mention the 5 penalty burpees if the bag hit the ground?  There were some of those also.

Repeat with 10x Chill cut plank jacks

Indian runs back up the hill and down to the trailhead kiosk in the EXTREME dark.  YHC had stashed a couple Hi-Liter level brightness lamps during the EC ruck, but even these weren’t enough to shed usable light on the area.  We lined up at the benches for happy feet, L-R step-ups, Irkins, dips while one-at-a-time, PAX took their team’s sandbag around the kiosk and back.  And that’s when Flacco demonstrated how poor the lighting was when he “found” a manhole cover.  He jumped up and didn’t miss a beat.

Indian runs back to start and line up in the two teams for Mary

Hammers passing the sandbag down the line

6" leg-hold passing the sandbag down the line

Freddy Mercury passing the sandbag down the line

Apparently the Vespomnia runners thought it looked like fun, ‘cause I’m pretty sure my line was twice as long by the end.

Circle up for COT

Count-o-rama: 43!

Name-o-rama: still 43


Smokey is leading a marriage-work balance seminar, particularly aimed at those in the “respect” stage of life…clearly not CK and I.  November 3rd, see the details in the GroupMe.

Riptide announced the Christmas party on December 14th, see the details in the GroupMe

The Odyssey is this weekend - let’s do this!

Join Sky Blue and Goose at Mills Park tomorrow at 0545 for a new AO pre-launch


Las Vegas and Ascot’s recently-widowed cousin, Michelle.

Thanks men for suffering through two straight days with me.  It was painful but fun.  If you didn’t really think it was fun, I’m already looking at the Q sheets for the next time two days in a row are available…

See also