Don't Judge a Man by the Size of His Rock

Maybe it is the late start and the extra 15 minutes of sleep, but everyone comes into this workout fired up and sassy.  Chipper and Franklin jump out of their cars and start flinging hospital names around like hand grenades.  The chatter won’t stop for the next 45 minutes.  As a matter of fact, every rep count below is suspect because Staubach is the only one counting and he isn’t that good at it.  No FNGs.  Pledge.    

Short jog and circle up on for:

  • 5 Good mornings OMD
  • 15 IW IC
  • 15 Sir Fazio IC
  • 15 Merkins IC

Mosey over to the rock pile.  Everyone picks a rock, but we travel one spot to the right for each exercise:

  • Shoulder Press x 15
  • Curls x 15
  • Tricep Extensions x 15
  • Rock Row x 15
  • Offset Merkins x 15
  • Rock Burpees x 10
  • Curl and Press x 15

Part of the strategy of moving is obviously to make everyone deal with each other’s rocks, which will inevitably piss someone off and amp up the chatter.  As if this is needed.  Hi-Liter is so disgusted by some rock choices that he is forced to change them out in the middle of the process.  Franklin is happy to reverse that decision to suit his own comfort levels.  Chipper lays down the sage advice that “You can’t judge a man by the size of his rock.”  That is why we keep the Respects around.

Let’s leave the rocks and move on, because frankly I am running out of rock exercises.  Over to the tennis courts and partner up.  Apparently the Scottish people love tennis because there are three times as many courts as I had remembered.  So we change up the plan on the fly:

  • 2 Rounds of BTTW/People’s Chair Paired With Alternating Bear Crawl and Run
  • 2 Rounds of Merkins/CDDS Paired With Alternating Forward and Backward Run
  • 2 Rounds of Prisoner Squat/Lunge Paired With Alternating Carioca Run
  • 25 Calf Raises IC
  • Sprint down and Mosey back for 6 Courts / 4 Courts / 2 Courts

Mosey to the tennis court and circle up for LSF, H2M and American Hammers.  Mosey back to the flag for a brief Chilcutt to close us out. A question leading to an announcement leading to a challenge from Hi-Liter for everyone to Co-VQ by May 1.  Prayers and Praises for Coxswain as his family approaches their upcoming move.  YHC took us out.

See also