Don't call Bulgarian Splits Squats with Steaks in the house....

You’ll have to keep reading to find out why the title is what it is! Good news for you is that this will be a quick read!

A thin crowd was coming together for F3 as the FIA ladies collected – they outnumbered us by 3 or 4X! I guess the spring break excuse only applies to the men of F3…. ’nouf said.

6 men started the session with our mission & the pledge. Mosey down the street to the “Academy” for our warm-up which was needed as the cool breeze was quite stiff. Classic warm-up – good morning, windmill, hill billies, merkins, mtn climbers, etc… then mosey back to the parking lot for:

**Thang #**1 – jog around the lot, show the PAX “Merkinville”, “Burpee Corner”, and “Monkey Humperland”. We’d be traveling between Merkinville and Humperland for 21’s by 2. Start with 2 monkey humpers, get 2 burpees on the way to 19 merkins. Change by 2 each time 4-17, 6-15, etc. Good times with Sliver Fox pacing the field! After that head over to the picnic benches for:

Thang #2 – Here’s where it gets odd – I called the usual crowd favorite Bulgarian split squats – immediately, Steaks declares that he’ll be back – sure is a good thing the site-q’s installed a men’s room as “human urgency” struck our man Steaks. The exercise will now be called Bulgarian steak squirts….. (maybe not). Anyway, we continued with our split squats and dips for a few sets while looking to see if Steaks was ok in there…. decided to stay put and started our Mary session – LBC, Freddy Merc, Am Hammer, Homer 2 Marge…. Steaks then made his reappearance & we ran back to the flag right on time!

Number-rama: 6 – 3 respect, 3 mehs

Announcements: Tomorrow’s Danger Zone convergence (3 other sites “closed”)

Prayers/Praises: silent prayers, for our PAX recovering : Petsounds, Michelob, How How, etc.

Off we go to Make it a Great Day!

See also