Don’t be a pressure cooker ... learn to release the ANGER so you don’t go #ao-sat-offtherails.

Date: 3/6/2021

I really did not have a theme for this workout until I had some fellowship/bruiser time with my boy Crimson. It is amazing how simple but yet powerful a question could be to help a Brother release some weight off their chest. That question is, “How is life treating you?”

When a Brother is ready to unload, it is time to put on the listening ear. It’s your time to shine and comfort a Brother in their time of need. That is what Crimson needed. So, I was being that shoulder he can lean on.

That gave me a great idea for a themed workout. I know themed workouts are not so popular but who cares. Sometimes it is appropriate and this was the best time to break it out.

Devising a workout to be a full body workout and making it relevant to the purpose was a bit challenging but it all came together.

We Pledged Our Allegiance to Our Country and Old Glory. I directed the runners to run to the other opening of the Astro turf field and then a lap around the soccer field to the starting point for warm-up. The walkers made their way to the starting point.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fabio, Alleluias, hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch.

Thang 1: I cannot have my workout without music. So it was fitting to kick things off with Thunderstruck.

On to thang 2: 4 corner escalator

Round 1: Anvil x5

Round 2: Anvil + No Surrender x10

Round 3: Anvil + No Surrender + Groiner x15

Round 4: Anvil + No Surrender + Groinet + E2K x20 (10 left switch 10 right)

For the sake of time, we gathered our stuff and moseyed to the other corner of the field closest to the flag where we circled up and YHC called out 1 set of Anvil + No Surrender + Groiner + E2K + Red Bull Burt Jack’s x25.

We did some Mary and then Have A Nice Day.

COR: 10 HIMs released some anger and felt better

NOR: @Franklin @Crimson @Bootlegger @Shipyard @WWW @Sour Mash @Sooey @Two Factor @Memento @Texas Ranger

Announcements: BRR trade deals going on. Lots of challenges to challenge yourself.

Prayers/Praises: Heavenly Father / Deity, please place your blessings for those spoken and unspoken prayers and praises.


Sometimes just asking a Brother the simplest of questions, “How is life treating you?” can let a man who has a heavy heart open up. if you are even in that moment, God placed you there for a reason. Be there for your Brother so he can release some of that weight on his heart/shoulder/chest so he could tackle more. I had that very experience on Friday and I was honored and blessed to be there for my F3 Brother. I was there to help him release the pressure cooker of anger and frustration. I need him to be the best for his M because she needs him.

See also