Doing Cindy In Cadence (on my down AND my up)

This is a very tardy back blast. So if some of the details are wrong, I’m blaming it on a Respect’s faulty memory. I came here (Winterfell) last week and damn if Clementine didn’t out-mileage Kryptonite.

Warm up

We did some stuff. I remember we ran to the buses at the back of the building. I usually do sir fazio arm circles and Steve Earles so we’ll go with that. Also did pigeon stretch because I remember someone complaining about it. Almost forgot that I rushed through the pledge at the beginning. There was a car coming in hot and we thought it might be Clementine. So wanted to make him chase us only to do burpees. Instead it was Wreck It Ralph. He still chased us and we still did burpees.

The Thang

From back of the school by the buses, run back to the front, out the exit and down the street ALL THE WAY to the playground at the elementary school. On the way do a burpee at each street light. At some point I decide to call El Capitans and am later told by One D that we did them wrong.

At the playground we do a half Murph. However since we were all doing them in sets, Cataracts informs me this is actually called a half Cindy. I decide I don’t give a $h!t because CrossFit cheats on all their exercises anyway.

We finish and the do the same thing going back to the flag as we did previously. Including a backwards run back up the hill. And we didn’t repeat the warm up.


I don’t remember what exercises we did but someone farted during it. This really threw everything off, and we couldn’t help but wonder if we had any Pax with the unique ability to fart in cadence.


3 respects, 4 Mehs. Just block October in your calendars, mmmKay? YHC took us out.


Let this be a lesson to all of you why you don’t procrastinate writing your backblasts.

See also